AAMS Announces New CEO; Managers [RP]

88 Gnome Death Knight
The AAMS is proud to salute CEO Sul'fon on his official retirement from the organization! As CEO Sul'fon saw the AAMS through the Cataclysm and the resumption of hostilities between the Horde and the Alliance, and has been instrumental to the institution's survival. We are grateful to him for his long service and wish him well in his retirement. Following Sul'fon's departure, the AAMS is pleased to announce new staff appointments:

    Aeldgyth Whistlespark, Doctor of Gnomish Letters, replaces Sul'fon as CEO of the combined AAMS, the first appointed from the Alliance Branch! Dr. Whistlespark has been actively engaged in promoting the new Renewal Project initiative, as well as leading the recruitment drive on the Alliance side. She is looking forward to working more closely with the Horde Branch and the members of the Horde itself.

    Rillik Verogoth will take over Dr. Whistlespark's duties as Alliance Branch Manager. Mr. Verogoth has served as a supervisor on the Alliance side, as well as overseeing security for the Branch. He will assume control of day-to-day operations of the Alliance Branch, including recruiting and personnel management.

    Andelia Windtouched assumes leadership of the Horde Branch. Miss Windtouched comes from the Accounting department, and has been intimately involved in the commercial ventures of the AAMS. Her attentions now turn to recruitment and the construction of a management staff.

The AAMS welcomes its new officers! A public announcement and small celebration will be held at the Caer Darrow Renewal Project, scheduled for this Thursday evening at 7:00 PM. We encourage members of the public to come meet the new leaders of the AAMS and join us in our latest effort!

Peace, by any means!
Edited by Aeldgyth on 6/8/2011 10:23 PM PDT
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77 Worgen Druid
Rosanth checks the bulletin board and smiles, apparantly new managers are in place. She cheerfully straightens up her uniform and combs her hair, strolling to the office to congratulate Sir Verogoth.

She finds him busy at the desk, sorting through paperwork. "I see you are still stuck with that." she giggles, "Congratulations on your promotion, though I don't see much will change, you are still so busy you cannot relax!" Grinning with a sparkle in her eyes she puts a hand over his and chuckles, "Leave this go for a little while and let me buy you a drink to celebrate!"
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