Moving to CC

Greetings! I recently made the decision to return to WoW after taking a break. I just purchased Cataclysm, and want to re-roll on a new server.

In the past, I've had trouble sticking with WoW for more than 8 months or so at a time, and I realize now that this can be attributed to not being able to find a close-knit realm and guild.

I've been spending this morning doing research on various realms, and came across a few threads advertising CC. I'm not a heavy RP'er by any means, however I'm not against the idea, and am impressed by the sense of community I saw.

So, I have a few questions before I finalize my choice to re-roll on CC. Any and all answers are appreciated, as is your time spent reading my post.

1) I have RP'ed in the past, but in games like The Matrix Online, never in a fantasy setting. This is because traditional fantasy role playing does not appeal to me. Will there be unique scenarios/stories/etc. available for me to participate in? Can I mold the RP to my unique interests without upsetting those around me?

2) How active is the OOC community? I'm looking for a server (and a guild) that I can become acquainted with, that I can chat with. Half the fun for me in MMOs is found in the social aspect.

3)Is there world pvp at all? How balanced are the BGs?

Over WoW, my favorite MMO has been The Matrix Online, because of the community on my server. I knew many of the players both IC and OOC. If CC provides a similar social experience, then I have found my virtual home.

If you have any other comments, they are of course welcome! Once again, thank you for your time, I look forward to perhaps getting to know some of you.
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85 Tauren Druid
Something to keep in mind, is that RP is never required. Even on an RP server like CC, those who actually participate in roleplay are probably in the minority. The community is definitely there, and if you're interested they're not hard to find, but for most of us our daily encounter with the game is not very far in character at all. As a result you'll have to find someone who RPs more than I do to tell you about what kinds of story are acceptable.

In terms of non roleplay community, finding a compatible guild is much more important than choosing a server. (Please don't judge us by the trade channel; it's scary in there.) There are lots of fun guilds with fabulous groups of people who get to know each other well.

World PvP is rare, except for the occasional Crossroads/Goldshire harassment or the occasional city raid. BGs are fun though. I believe they are reasonably well balanced at the moment. (Or at least, I have not heard much whining from my PvP friends)
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67 Troll Shaman
RP is kind of tight knit. The community is welcoming, and more than willing to accommodate new ideas and stories, but you've got to work to get involved with them. Alliance is a slightly bigger group, from what I've seen.

/allianceooc and /hordeooc are the RP channels for out of character, so pop up in one of those to start talking and finding out the names of the RP players. You'll find that even no RP is going on, the OOC channels will have people more than willing to talk, and about all sorts of things. I've seen discussions about PvP, specs, events from a few months ago, name calling, theorycrafting, raid planning, politics, where eRP belongs in the community; just to name a few.

And what Anikah says about World PvP is right. Most of it is raids on capitals, and even then, infrequently and with small groups. And the BGs are very balanced, from what my PvPing friends tell me, and that makes them fun, apparently.

So, to sum it up - Roll up a new toon, talk to people in OOC, and get a consensus from them. Don't expect massive PvP, and enjoy the BGs.
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100 Human Paladin
RP happens all the time. If you're trying to get your feet wet, just let people know you're new to it and ease in.

PVP? Yeah, well, it happens daily with me thanks to a terrible misunderstanding and either a large price on my head or a large vendetta. *waves at Icharis*

World pvp happens more frequently than people realize. BGs are slightly skewed to horde, but not enough to make it not fun for everyone.

There are a lot of fantastic guilds that raid, quest, pvp and rp. CC is a great community.
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89 Human Paladin
1) I have RP'ed in the past, but in games like The Matrix Online, never in a fantasy setting. This is because traditional fantasy role playing does not appeal to me. Will there be unique scenarios/stories/etc. available for me to participate in? Can I mold the RP to my unique interests without upsetting those around me?

As long as you don't break the lore, you won't upset anybody by anything you do IC. And if you have a thought about something you want to do and you're not sure, we will be more than happy to help you. Either, y'know, let you know how to tweak it to fit in the lore or just flat-out encourage you to just go for it!

The nice thing about WoW lore is that, while it's fantasy, yes with the other planets and space travel and gnomish/naaru/goblin technologies you actually have plenty of room for science fiction too.

CC is also great for people who are newer to RP, either in general or just in WoW because we are so willing to help out and with the allianceooc and hordeooc channels it so easy to have that community that isn't just characters being RPed, but the players too.

2) How active is the OOC community? I'm looking for a server (and a guild) that I can become acquainted with, that I can chat with. Half the fun for me in MMOs is found in the social aspect.

I sort of answered this but it's pretty active. I have a Horde toon I haven't RPed with yet (or even spoken on :P), but as I've leveled a lit bit I've been watching an they chat away on hordeooc about this and that. I think I'd join if I wasn't so embarrassed about my total lack of inspiration in regards to that toon. Gonna have to reroll that I think. :P allianceooc is always buzzing, all the time, about pretty much anything (except we do try to avoid the "button-pusher" topics, obviously :P). The communities are both active, but still manage to be pretty tightly-knit.

And, the CC bonus is that there's not a huge divide between Horde and Alliance. I have enough interaction with Hordies on this toon to be able to recognize them when I'm out exploring or RPing and acknowledge them, get along with them (or not, depending on our IC relationship! :P)

3)Is there world pvp at all? How balanced are the BGs?

Well, we just did an assault on Orgrimmar today, and there's been a war going off-and-on in the Barrens so, yeah, fair amount. And that's just IC world pvp -- there's plenty of OOC world pvp too.

As for BGs.... well, I tend to be dead when I'm in them so I can't really speak to that. Don't do BGs with me and I'm sure it'll be fine. :P
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