CDRP Guild Showcase 6/23 [RP Event H&A]

88 Gnome Death Knight

Are you a member of a guild, company, organization or other chartered body? Of course you are. And the AAMS wants you to come show your pride at the next Caer Darrow Renewal Project!

The CDRP is an ongoing series of evenings devoted to breathing a bit of life back into one of the ruined and forgotten places of the world. The AAMS gathers there weekly to do a bit of trade and business between our branches, but we're also working on turning the place usable once again -- creating a community of more than just ghosts.

Now we're offering the space to all the unique guilds of the Horde and the Alliance: a place to come showcase your own specific approach among all the others. We have space to use and enormous coffers capable of funding any venture your guild might dream up.

Come join us. Make a busy, thriving place, if only for a night. And show the world what your guild is made of. The CDRP kicks off at half-past seven this coming Thursday, 6/23!

Aeldgyth Whistlespark
CEO, Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service



This is another round of the AAMS's weekly "Renewal Project" event, but this time the focus is on everyone else! We've been asking RP guilds to come contribute a "business" or other presence that really showcases what the guild is about specifically. We very much want this to be a community event, not just an AAMS one -- a chance for the RP guilds to interact outside of the forums or the occasional large storyline.

So if you're in an RP guild that's not the AAMS...tell me about your guild! We would love to help set you up with a CDRP "business" or project that suits the guild specifically. And we're sitting on a mountain of cash right now, so materials aren't really an object. I'll post the guilds we have signed up below as we get them!

The event is of course open to people who aren't putting up a business or project too -- we need strolling patrons for our town as well! So drop on by this Thursday evening for RP and a chance to see some guilds you may never have interacted with before.

Event starts 7:30 at Caer Darrow (the island in the Western Plaguelands where the Scholomance instance is located) and is open to both factions. The AAMS will be there with both branches to provide translation.))
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88 Gnome Death Knight


    - <AAMS Alliance Branch> will of course be providing translations with their counterpart from the Horde! We'll also help with any cross-faction sales that might take place...there's a bit of a delay, but we can ship things from Horde to Alliance or vice versa if you want something that's only being sold on the other side.

    - <Burning Retribution> -- a new guild focused on fighting the Burning Legion -- will be giving lessons on identifying and combating various demons. The AAMS will also help provide them with Elixirs of Demonslaying and Demonslaying Weapon scrolls to sell!


    - <AAMS> will of course be providing translations with their counterpart from the Alliance! We'll also help with any cross-faction sales that might take place...there's a bit of a delay, but we can ship things from Horde to Alliance or vice versa if you want something that's only being sold on the other side. Yes, this is the same text as the <AAMS Alliance Branch> listing. What do you want? We're the same guild.

    - <It Doesnt Matter> want to expand their market as mercenaries. They'll be taking contracts -- and offering a cash prize to anyone who can duel their chosen representative and win! Rumor has it that their ranks include a High Warlord...only the mightiest need attempt the challenge!

    - <Scorched Earth> will have a "questgiver" sending people into the Scholomance for Dark Runes and other thematic drops from the instance. It's just possible they'll be using these for their own nefarious purposes later...but no one knows for sure! AAMS will be helping to farm/purchase good quest rewards for people who do the "quest."
Edited by Aeldgyth on 6/19/2011 6:14 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Bump! I know there are guilds planning on showing up that don't have specific events planned, which is great as well -- we will need people to patronize all the new "businesses" as well! Please let us know if you or your guild needs any sort of materials that the AAMS can help farm or purchase. We have a lot of cash and some eager labor to lend to the effort.

We'll see you all there on Thursday!
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88 Gnome Death Knight
((This event is tonight! Don't be shy about stopping by; everyone is welcome, whether they're part of a guild "business" or just seeing the sights and joining the RP. Let someone from the AAMS know if you'd like to come but need transportation out to Caer Darrow -- there's no dangerous mobs there, but low-level characters will want to avoid the run through the Plaguelands.

Don't feel like you have to wait on permission or help from the AAMS to use the communal "town" space. Everyone's creativity is welcome! Stop on by and help turn the empty island into a RP playground.))
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90 Human Death Knight
((Enormous thanks are in order for everyone who participated tonight! We were unbelievably excited with the turn out and level of involvement.

Special mentions go to <Burning Retribution>, <It Doesnt Matter>, and <Scorched Earth> for their quests and challenges. Another special mention to Izaraa for hosting and funding a quest all on her own.

<Azeroth College> and <Lluchduu Ocheliad> showed up in impressive numbers, as did <Razortalons> and <Da Doctas>. I'm sure there are others I am forgetting to mention, and I apologize. I assure you, no insult is intended.

All things considered, this was a rip-roaring success, and I thank the entire community for helping make it so, especially all the fine folks with the <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch>. We couldn't have done it without you guys!))

((edited for spelling))
Edited by Verogoth on 6/24/2011 1:26 AM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
((I'm very happy this went so well. I wasn't able to show up until quite late tonight due to RL conflicts, and I was thrilled to find people still out there and still doing the CDRP almost three hours after it started.

We will definitely be going forward with this as a weekly event, and we hope guilds will continue to join us in creating a temporary in-character community on Thursday nights! Look for an upcoming advertisement about next weeks, when we'll once again be looking for a new twist on the basic town-building RP...))
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