H - Encrypted Recruiting

90 Undead Warrior
We are currently recruiting for our raid team. We are a family/friend oriented guild. We are currently level 13. We are in need of more solid and readily available people for raids as well as heroics and to just have fun. We are currently 1/12, as you may see we are just starting out. This does not mean that we are not good players, we just have been missing a few key people to be able to do steady runs. We are currently accepting applications for all classes and specifications. We could use alts as well as mains. Experience is a major plus as we would like to progress and be able to get into tier 12 content as soon as we possibly can. We also sponsor an old school raid night on Thursdays. Our current raid nights are Friday at 6pm and Sunday at 4pm. These times are flexible if we need to adjust to make sure members are available to get our team going. Please contact Irivaria or Healbitz; Pheroth, Deathsyn, Sortok, or Bijan; Ezkill, Dalv or Splitxx in game if you have any further questions. You can also check out our guild website http://encrypted.enjin.com/.
Edited by Pheroth on 6/15/2011 7:25 PM PDT
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85 Night Elf Druid
For anyone who (like me) applies before checking faction. They are horde : /
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