Question for the Roleplayers

85 Night Elf Priest
Why do the Inn's in Stormwind only have 2 beds?

Do they offer some creepy sleepover event or perhaps something else?
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100 Night Elf Priest
Union rules.

You can only have one bed per employee stationed at the inn, and aside from the innkeeper, there is officially up to one other employee working at the inn, and that is often a refreshments seller.

The other employees located in and around the inn are just licensed vendors, and are not official inn employees, and therefore cannot be held responsible for the upkeep of the premises. They may, however, provide services such as hemming and sales of dried leather goods.
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As we never see characters logged off in the inn, we can only assume that guest accommodations consist of being stacked in a crawl space until they are logged back in.
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