This note is found posted in the major cities of both the Horde and Alliance
"Brothers and sisters... our time has not yet ended. Though the war in Northrend reached its conclusion, and though we stand daily against the Twilight forces marshaling against the sentient beings of Azeroth, we must not forget what we are: we are Death Knights. We are those who were lieutenants in the Scourge, we are those who, in the face of the Lich King's wanton betrayal at Light's Hope Chapel, declared our vengeance as our Highlord formed the Knights of the Ebon Blade.
That vengeance was most terrible. A weapon of power equal to Frostmourne was forged with the knowledge that we brought forth from the bowels of Acherus. That weapon struck low the Lich King, ending his threat forever.
Though we now march as members of the Alliance and Horde once more, let us never forget that before we are orcs and humans, before we are elves of blood and night, before we are draenei, gnomes, tauren, worgen or goblin, WE ARE DEATH KNIGHTS. The bonds of the Knights of the Ebon Blade supersede all other ties.
Let us march, brothers and sisters, to show our solidarity. Put on your tabards of the Ebon Blade. This Sunday, at the 5th hour after noon, we will march from Acherus to Gurubashi Arena in the armor and weaponry we acquired during our assault on Acherus to retake it for the Ebon Blade.
But let us not lose sight of this reality: we are also weapons, we are implements of war. Upon arrival at Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale, a free-for-all will be initiated. Let each Death Knight face the other in open battle, and let the one remaining standing declare themselves the victor, the mightiest of the Ebon Blade!
But let those who are not of the Ebon Blade take note: your interference in the arena will not be tolerated. You take your life into your own hands should you interfere...
((RP/PvP event, folks! This Sunday at 5:00pm realm time, let's have all Death Knights, Horde and Alliance alike, gather at Light's Hope Chapel in the shadow of Acherus! We'll do a march at walk speed from Light's Hope Chapel to Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale. Put on the blue-quality armor set you left the Death Knight opening quests with, and make sure you have your helmet and cloak displays on!
For those who come near a town or city of the opposite faction, you may take flight to pass over the obstacle; wait for your brothers and sisters on the other side and rejoin the march! For those of the same faction, march through the city/town!
Once we reach Gurubashi Arena, the free-for-all battle begins after a short ceremony with all of us ringing the arena floor in the stands above. The rules are simple: you can only wear the armor, trinkets, necklaces and rings that we left our opening quests with. No quest or raid or point-purchased items from after that content are allowed! Wield the weapon you chose from Highlord Mograine before you joined the battle to retake Acherus! Runeforging is encouraged.
Likewise, acquire a tabard from the Knights of the Ebon Blade. Their quartermaster can be found in the Shadow Vault in Northrend, in Icecrown. You must reach Friendly with their faction before you can purchase the tabard, and you may have to go through the phased quests there to "unlock" the Shadow Vault if you're a newer Death Knight who didn't go through Wrath content when it was new. If you don't want to go through the hassle, you don't have to have the tabard, but kindly avoid wearing other faction or guild tabards to show solidarity with the other Death Knights!
Since going into Gurubashi Arena auto-flags everyone for combat, we want to keep this little RP event Death Knights-only, so those who participate agree that should a wandering non-DK come in during the festivities, all hostilities are ceased amongst Death Knights. At that point, we turn en masse on the invader(s), and once they're dealt with, we return to our free-for-all. The event ends when one Death Knight is left standing.
If you die in the free-for-all, I ask that you stay dead until the event is concluded. We want someone to have the bragging rights of being the "mightiest Death Knight on Cenarion Circle", even if it was only amongst those who attended/participated.
I'd like someone to help me coordinate this with any Horde players who'd like to take part in this. Let's show Death Knight solidarity! For RP purposes, this is to show that before we are members of the Alliance or Horde, we are Death Knights, members of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, first! I think it could be fun!
If you're interested in helping me to coordinate this with our Horde friends, find me in game; feel free to add me to your friends list so you know when I log on; I'm on most nights by 7:00-7:30pm realm time, but some nights can be dicey. I hope we get a great turnout!))
"Brothers and sisters... our time has not yet ended. Though the war in Northrend reached its conclusion, and though we stand daily against the Twilight forces marshaling against the sentient beings of Azeroth, we must not forget what we are: we are Death Knights. We are those who were lieutenants in the Scourge, we are those who, in the face of the Lich King's wanton betrayal at Light's Hope Chapel, declared our vengeance as our Highlord formed the Knights of the Ebon Blade.
That vengeance was most terrible. A weapon of power equal to Frostmourne was forged with the knowledge that we brought forth from the bowels of Acherus. That weapon struck low the Lich King, ending his threat forever.
Though we now march as members of the Alliance and Horde once more, let us never forget that before we are orcs and humans, before we are elves of blood and night, before we are draenei, gnomes, tauren, worgen or goblin, WE ARE DEATH KNIGHTS. The bonds of the Knights of the Ebon Blade supersede all other ties.
Let us march, brothers and sisters, to show our solidarity. Put on your tabards of the Ebon Blade. This Sunday, at the 5th hour after noon, we will march from Acherus to Gurubashi Arena in the armor and weaponry we acquired during our assault on Acherus to retake it for the Ebon Blade.
But let us not lose sight of this reality: we are also weapons, we are implements of war. Upon arrival at Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale, a free-for-all will be initiated. Let each Death Knight face the other in open battle, and let the one remaining standing declare themselves the victor, the mightiest of the Ebon Blade!
But let those who are not of the Ebon Blade take note: your interference in the arena will not be tolerated. You take your life into your own hands should you interfere...
((RP/PvP event, folks! This Sunday at 5:00pm realm time, let's have all Death Knights, Horde and Alliance alike, gather at Light's Hope Chapel in the shadow of Acherus! We'll do a march at walk speed from Light's Hope Chapel to Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale. Put on the blue-quality armor set you left the Death Knight opening quests with, and make sure you have your helmet and cloak displays on!
For those who come near a town or city of the opposite faction, you may take flight to pass over the obstacle; wait for your brothers and sisters on the other side and rejoin the march! For those of the same faction, march through the city/town!
Once we reach Gurubashi Arena, the free-for-all battle begins after a short ceremony with all of us ringing the arena floor in the stands above. The rules are simple: you can only wear the armor, trinkets, necklaces and rings that we left our opening quests with. No quest or raid or point-purchased items from after that content are allowed! Wield the weapon you chose from Highlord Mograine before you joined the battle to retake Acherus! Runeforging is encouraged.
Likewise, acquire a tabard from the Knights of the Ebon Blade. Their quartermaster can be found in the Shadow Vault in Northrend, in Icecrown. You must reach Friendly with their faction before you can purchase the tabard, and you may have to go through the phased quests there to "unlock" the Shadow Vault if you're a newer Death Knight who didn't go through Wrath content when it was new. If you don't want to go through the hassle, you don't have to have the tabard, but kindly avoid wearing other faction or guild tabards to show solidarity with the other Death Knights!
Since going into Gurubashi Arena auto-flags everyone for combat, we want to keep this little RP event Death Knights-only, so those who participate agree that should a wandering non-DK come in during the festivities, all hostilities are ceased amongst Death Knights. At that point, we turn en masse on the invader(s), and once they're dealt with, we return to our free-for-all. The event ends when one Death Knight is left standing.
If you die in the free-for-all, I ask that you stay dead until the event is concluded. We want someone to have the bragging rights of being the "mightiest Death Knight on Cenarion Circle", even if it was only amongst those who attended/participated.
I'd like someone to help me coordinate this with any Horde players who'd like to take part in this. Let's show Death Knight solidarity! For RP purposes, this is to show that before we are members of the Alliance or Horde, we are Death Knights, members of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, first! I think it could be fun!
If you're interested in helping me to coordinate this with our Horde friends, find me in game; feel free to add me to your friends list so you know when I log on; I'm on most nights by 7:00-7:30pm realm time, but some nights can be dicey. I hope we get a great turnout!))
Edited by Brynnara on 6/22/2011 11:49 AM PDT