[IC] Wanted: Chef for an Evening.

90 Human Priest
Genevra hummed to herself as she went through her mail, glad that the invitations had been accepted, but there was still something missing: a cook. She could not rightly ask Gretchen to do it after Lahkin had taken to causing a bit of mischief that set her ill at ease. The boy would gather eggs in places and call after them “Eggs o size!” This resulted in more than one choice word being uttered after the eggs were stepped on and tracked through their Lakeshire home.

Genevra took this all in stride, laughing as she recalled her son stacking the eggs up at Cyrus’ feet and calling out “Eggs o size!” repeatedly. If anything, this had made the scolding and scowls that followed well worth it.

She resolved to give Gretchen a much needed night off, so the evening with friends would be spent in Dalaran, catered by another. She looked over the note that she had penned, reading it twice before posting it up at the notice board.

The following notice can be found posted in Stormwind:

Wanted: One skilled chef to cook for an evening. Must have a comprehensive repertoire of tasty treats. Must be cordial and willing to spend an evening cooking and serving their food.

If at all possible the right chef would be available this coming Wednesday evening. You will be compensated for your time and skill.

Contact Genevra Stoneheardt through the mail or at evening devotions at the Cathedral in Stormwind.

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100 Human Paladin
((Teriis is probably your man. I will point him to this thread. He used to cook for Almark and I))
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89 Human Paladin
Cray's eyes scanned the notice with interest. He recalled having dinner with the Stoneheardts, the food had been delicious.... it was curious indeed that Genevra sought a new chef. He pursed his lips curiously for a moment before turning away from the notice.

"I wonder if Teriis would be up to the task..." he pondered aloud.

((THAT is how it's done, Gen. :P))
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90 Human Priest
[Friendly bump because Genevra still needs a chef!]
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100 Human Paladin
((I can't get it to change characters, but Abon will put in an application.))
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