The Phlogiston Ledger

Herein lies a list of crafts and clients. This list is confidential; please try not to mention to whom you make your crafts unless they tell you otherwise.

AAMS - Various gear donated.
Helped out the AAMS with their donation drive and distributed Rough Boomsticks and the like in Northshire and Coldwind Valley.
-- Galahn

Jaszmin - 1 Mekgineer's Chopper - 12500
Assembled at the K3 outpost in the Storm Peaks, included short driving tutorial.
-- Galahn

Taelanas - 1 Elementium Hammer + 1 Elementium Earthguard
Forged with an enchanted Ironfoe upon the Great Anvil in Ironforge; imbued with the element of earth.
-- Rhudran

Acrazzio - 1 Heartseeker - 54g
Shall be smithed upon the Enchanted Anvil of Dalaran to improve the blade's edge and durability.
-- Rhudran

Kaevelara - 1 Golden Rod - 1.75g
Smithed upon The Great Anvil with an enchanted hammer, prepared for further enchantment.
-- Rhudran

Kaevelara - Various metallic rods - Precious metals
Smithed within the Dwarven District with an enchanted hammer, prepared for further enchantment.
-- Rhudran

AAMS - Extreme-Impact Hole Puncher
Made 'em a custom job Kickback 5000 with all the improvements I've been working on. Plus, a bunch of my new pens. Went over well.
-- Galahn


((This is more for my reference than anyone else's, but I thought it was a fun idea to give a little more personality to your weapons.

This, btw, is simply for consumption OOC; characters are left to their own devices to announce their amazingly IC constructed weapons!))

((I would recommend that more people consider installing this addon called Gryphonheart Items. It's a fantastic game-enhancer, by allowing you to create items that other GHI-users can see. I made a slew of tools I use for in-character crafting. It could only be better if it allowed you to add flavor text to real gear!))

((PS: "mail" sent for requests for work may be posted here, addressed to the Phlogiston Brotherhood))
Edited by Galahn on 7/27/2011 12:26 PM PDT
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90 Night Elf Rogue
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Pholgiston Brotherhood for the bike made by Galahn. Wonderful craftsmanship and fast and friendly service as well!

Although I have had some unkind remarks about my driving, I continue to improve as time goes on.

I would highly recommend this business for all your crafted needs!
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100 Undead Warrior
We once forged Blight upon the Great Anvil of Ironforge, which then cracked with the taint we left there, yesss...
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89 Human Paladin
07/01/2011 04:58 AMPosted by Jaszmin
Although I have had some unkind remarks about my driving,

Jazzy, why are there tire tracks on the outside of the Blue Recluse? I mean.... up the wall. How did you even.... what did you..... just..... be more careful!

*goes in search of heavier armor*
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I make fantastic bikes.
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Business is back, baby. A satellite office has been secured in Lunarfall, and its ledger is as follows.

Confidential commission for biomechanical engineering project started; Zaium to be called in on special project.
- Galahn

Using Truesteel as a base for replica guns of various types, including Crystalslug rifles preferred by Draenei.
- Galahn
Edited by Galahn on 12/21/2014 1:33 PM PST
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