Hey, guys. A friend of mine, Verogoth, helped push forward a simple solution to the question: Hey guys! Are there any RP guilds on this server?
In tribute to him, I'm leaving his post largely in-tact, but I'm remaking his thread so that I can update and evolve it for the good of the community.
Seeing as the archive thread is still relevant and does not need to be edited, I will include it here to submit new additions to the macro: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3657609759
(I don't have a Horde alt, so...I'll just write it up for someone's Horde main.)
Guilds already included:
AAMS Alliance Branch
Esoteric Darkling Cabal
Phlogiston Brotherhood
Pia Presidium
Manus Ignota
Terra Incognita
Heart of the Naaru
Feathers of Iron
The Chimaera
Lights Shadow
Stormwind Union
Redrum Inc.
Rise At Dawn
Navigators of Azeroth
The Rosuto Samurai
The Wolf King's Army
Shadow Blades
Might of the God Emperor
Gypsy Treasure
*Kablooey Incorporated
*Scorched Earth
*Shadows of Lordaeron
Modas il Toralar
The Rokk
In tribute to him, I'm leaving his post largely in-tact, but I'm remaking his thread so that I can update and evolve it for the good of the community.
Seeing as the archive thread is still relevant and does not need to be edited, I will include it here to submit new additions to the macro: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3657609759
Okay, folks, it's about time to get the RP Guild Macro up and running again. Since a guild mate of mine was working on it before unfortunate circumstance prevented it from being implemented, I am taking on the task personally.
If you are the leader of an RP guild on Cenarion Circle, and would like your guild represented in the macro that gets fired off in AllianceOOC when someone new asks for a guild, please leave the name of your guild and a brief description (less than 235 characters, please) in a reply to this thread and I will add it to the macro.
Also, if any Horde side RP guilds are interested in starting this in HordeOOC, leave your info here and I'll write up a macro for my Horde main also.
(I don't have a Horde alt, so...I'll just write it up for someone's Horde main.)
Guilds already included:
AAMS Alliance Branch
Esoteric Darkling Cabal
Phlogiston Brotherhood
Pia Presidium
Manus Ignota
Terra Incognita
Heart of the Naaru
Feathers of Iron
The Chimaera
Lights Shadow
Stormwind Union
Redrum Inc.
Rise At Dawn
Navigators of Azeroth
The Rosuto Samurai
The Wolf King's Army
Shadow Blades
Might of the God Emperor
Gypsy Treasure
*Kablooey Incorporated
*Scorched Earth
*Shadows of Lordaeron
Modas il Toralar
The Rokk
Edited by Galahn on 1/1/2015 11:56 AM PST