Dominion looking for guild mates!(WoD update)

100 Orc Warrior
Hi all,

Dominion is an established guild on Cenarion Circle that has achieved many milestones of success in both raiding and rated PvP since Cataclysm, including being the best RBG guild for three seasons, server 4th heroic Madness, server first heroic Will of the Emperor, and top server 10m raid group for all of MoP. We are currently 3/14 H in Siege of Orgrimmar. Our previous progress can be checked here:

We are currently recruiting the following for our raid team:

- DPS Death Knight
- Rogue
- Elemental shaman

Please see requirements below.

Update: With the recent announcement at Blizzcon 2013 about the introduction of the 'Mythic' raid model which will be strictly for 20 players, Dominion's raid team will be shifting to this model in Warlords of Draenor. While we are prepared to recruit about 6-8 individuals to our raid team in time for WoD release, we would also be interested if an existing raid team of comparable progression is willing to merge. Please inquire with Elgunaz below, either as an individual willing to do Mythic raiding next expansion or as a guild/raid leader willing to discuss a merger.

We offer generous guild repairs, plenty of company, potential to raid with the top 10m group on the server, an abundance of seasoned PvP'ers and beginners alike, and a friendly atmosphere that is sure to keep you interested. Not to mention we're a level 25 guild with all the perks!

If you want to see our home away from the game, please check out:

If you are interested in joining our raid group, please contact Elgunaz, battletag Conquistador#1596. The baseline requirements for consideration are listed below:

- Average item level to be 530 or above;
- Legendary meta gem and legendary cloak preferred;
- All items enchanted and gemmed;
- No empty major glyph slots;
- Have done all the relevant LFR (exceptions may be made if it's a new toon);
- All factions which give relevant gear at revered or above ; and
- Have mumble installed and working

We are not a very elitist guild. We are not going to look down on you for not having a superb progression from previous tiers or the current tier. However, we are also not in the business of carrying lazy/bad players for free. If you can't be bothered to cap valor, gem/enchant your gear, farm heroic scenarios/LFR for gear, etc... then we have no interest in raiding with you.

If you are interested in a good raid team or just want to have a chat, feel free to look me up!

Guild Master "Giant Chicken"
Edited by Elgunaz on 11/21/2013 9:38 PM PST
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85 Night Elf Druid
Edited by Clandestine on 6/17/2012 9:24 PM PDT
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100 Orc Warrior
Make an alt on Horde side and we can chat.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Btw, I'm now waiting for them to debug my faction change... its trying to force me to name change and I will have no such thing. So I've gotta wait on a ticket to go through to get it sorted out. :s
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90 Troll Priest
What days and times are you thinking about for the 10 man group? Or is that still up in the air?

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100 Orc Warrior
03/18/2012 04:15 PMPosted by Marnbek
What days and times are you thinking about for the 10 man group? Or is that still up in the air?

My main group which I started in December and long before the guild moved off server runs Thur/Sat and is basically an established group with availability coming up when they come up. I am looking to start a second, guild oriented group on Fridays.
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90 Troll Priest
Any of those three days would work for me. I have a couple different toons, I might be interested in bringing one of them over depending on the roll you need filled. I'll look you up in game.
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93 Blood Elf Hunter
We're now level 3! :) Still looking for players of all class and level to join Endow. We don't bite. :)
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33 Undead Warrior
I just transferred my Holy priest over, looking for any healers?
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93 Blood Elf Hunter
We're always looking for players of all types to join. :) Just PM either Elgunaz or myself for an invite!
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85 Undead Warlock
After many days & nights asleep in my crypt, we have risen again and look to bring honor for the Horde. We had often heard of the might of Endow on the battleground and would cherish the opportunity to help you rebuild. It would be our honor to soil the Endow tabard with the blood of your foes. We offer ourselves to your cause if you would have us.

(I'm a vanilla player who has been off/on over the years that has recently been bitten by the bug again. I'd love the opportunity to get in a guild at the beginning and be a part of it as it grows. I really enjoy both my priest (heals) and my lock, so I'm on both regularly. Hit 85 with them both recently, so just in the process of gearing up, and finding some resilence gear...ouch to PvP with under 300 resilence. :-) I'm on most nights if you'd like to chat further.)
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33 Undead Warrior
Thanks for the Invite! Waiting on things to switch over server side, so I can actually post on her. :P

Looking forward to helping Endow rebuild :)
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100 Orc Warrior
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100 Orc Warrior
Level 4 now and bump!
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Edited by Irtwåz on 1/30/2013 4:16 PM PST
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65 Blood Elf Priest
I have an 81 Shaman and of course my main, Holy Priest named Marroc. I'm looking for a raiding guild and this one soungs good if you'll have me
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100 Orc Warrior
03/25/2012 01:11 AMPosted by Marroc
I have an 81 Shaman and of course my main, Holy Priest named Marroc. I'm looking for a raiding guild and this one soungs good if you'll have me

Find me in-game and we can chat!
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100 Orc Warrior
Just dinged level 5 wooo!
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100 Troll Shaman
Bumpin dis
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100 Orc Warrior
Level 6 now wooo!

Up we go!
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