A Plan!

100 Undead Warrior
The Maggot Lord skittered through Orgrimmar, muttering happily to himself. His letter to Gentyl delivered, he had bathed her in some of Lady Sylvanus' favourite balck roses. Soon, yes, soon!

Now, to his labs, to plan his plan!

Cackling madly, Abominus scurried throught the evening crowds towards the Grim Maw Clan's Orgrimmar Fortress.
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100 Human Paladin
It had been a successful clinic. Cup was the first patient and it turned out to be the most interesting wound of the night. Forest trolls had shot her in the butt with an arrow. She insisted on watching the operation with a mirror and Gentyl heard frequent admonitions to hold the mirror right so Cup could see what was happening.

At last they had her patched up and on her way. Hey, Miss Gen. All fixed up good as new!"

"That's awesome Cup. Mind if I ask a question?"


"Did you turn the other cheek when they shot you?"

Cup pondered for a moment. "Butt cheek?"


"Nope, turned around and whomped 'em."

Gentyl nodded. "Good woman."

Cup raced around like her hair was on fire to prove she was fully recovered. Henchy kept up a non-stop conversation with Gentyl while Helhammer stood at her side, determined to protect her. The clinic had wound down and there were just a few scattered conversations and some cleaning to do. Gentyl had almost dozed off on her horse when something hit her. She jumped in surprise and got hit again. knocking her off her horse and right onto the broken arm. Pain shot up her arm and through her shoulder, but she rolled and drew her weapon.

It was Abominus and two Modas. They were badly outnumbered and quickly fell. Abominus attacked her again and was dropped once more. The third time he appeared, he knelt down before her and asked her to wait. He set out a romantic picnic and smiled up at her.

"I think he likes you," Meriste said.

Gentyl stared.

Abominus pointed to Gentyl and then the picnic. Then, he threw black rose petals on her.

Gentyl looked quite horrified. "No!"

He begged.

"I think he's proposing," Helhammer said.

She backed up.

Abominus cried.

She backed up some more.

He finally gave up and left, still wiping tears away. Solarclaw chuffed and nosed through the picnic basket but didn't find anything of interest.

Mira picked up a scroll and handed it to Gentyl. It had two crudely drawn pictures. One was of Gentyl and a maggot. The other was Gentyl and Abominus holding hands.

A messenger arrived a short time later with an explanation. Abominus had given up on Redearth. Now, he had his sights set on Gentyl. They were to be wed.

"I'm married," Gentyl responded.

"Will you consider a divorce?"

"Not in this lifetime. I'm madly in love with the Commander."

The messenger scratched his beard. "I suppose he'll have to kill your husband then."

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85 Undead Rogue
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
((Agreed. Pricelessly funny. xD))
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((Oh. Dear. Lord. AND I MISSED IT?))
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90 Human Rogue
((Man tried to kill me...))
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85 Undead Mage
03/20/2012 09:47 AMPosted by Gentyl
It was Abominus and two Modas

((You forgot me /cry :P
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97 Orc Warrior
((She didnt forget me >:D Im the one that hit her first!))
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100 Human Paladin
(You forgot me /cry :P

ooc--omgosh i did. i am so sorry. i saw you too, pondered your body even. i was about half asleep when y'all hit. i will remedy this and look up y's name which i can never remember. it was a fun conclusion to the night.
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100 Human Paladin
((She didnt forget me >:D Im the one that hit her first!))
i knew you were there, but didn't know who hit me first. i was about half dozed off and it took me a bit to realize what was happening. fun times.
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97 Orc Warrior
((Was fun! especially when about 15 of you ran up where we were hiding :P))
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90 Undead Warlock
((A man, a plan...))
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100 Human Rogue
03/21/2012 07:49 AMPosted by Æthelgyth
((Was fun! especially when about 15 of you ran up where we were hiding :P))

(Heh, that was my fault >> Saw you up there and waited a few minutes before sounding the call so you two could get buffed back up and healed up before we bum-rushed you!)
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97 Orc Warrior
03/21/2012 06:13 PMPosted by Kordrion
((Was fun! especially when about 15 of you ran up where we were hiding :P))

(Heh, that was my fault >> Saw you up there and waited a few minutes before sounding the call so you two could get buffed back up and healed up before we bum-rushed you!)

((lol, I figured a rogue or feral saw us, it was fun though :D almost took Gentyl out in the surprise attack!))
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100 Undead Warrior
Abominus came away from the Black Hand Society meeting in a happy daze. He had made preliminary discussions with Argustus over a contract of elimination, and he learned that his Redearth was well and getting around on her own two hooves. Rumour had it she would be spending more time in convalescence, then off to her tribe's huts for a time. He reflected on all of their interactions, and wondered if her recent ordeal would soften her stance.

In the mean time, he would claim Gentyl as a bride! To be sure, there were many obstacles in the way, but he had time. All the time in the world, and a certain deviousness from himself and his friends in the Horde.

He skittered away into the night.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
((Is it unhealthy that I laugh hysterically every time I read about Abominus' adventures? This thread is brilliant. xD Abominus, sir, I salute you.))
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100 Orc Shaman
((I'm gonna make this worse. Picture if you will, Bralox as a Grim maw Lackie.))
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100 Undead Warrior
We do need to meet with an AAMSss represssentative tonight at the Clinic, if possssssible, yesss...
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86 Blood Elf Rogue
Poor, poor Gentyl. As if she doesn't have enough on her mind, I hear some nasty little rogue was plaguing her quiet evening.
Edited by Perfidia on 3/27/2012 10:25 PM PDT
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100 Orc Shaman
Sneaking Bralox into Ironforge? Challenge accepted.
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