Rp challenge-sign ups

25 Blood Elf Paladin
Ok you guys!!! Stop doing stuff alone we are supposed to be doing in game together!! Luz and Knucklerot and Deatholme are group projects I intended on rping for us all together...

Sorry...(sheepish grin) I will be in game shortly...I know I had major rp last night, did not mean to desert you. I will be there as soon as my ipone battery lets me.

And ignore the bunny ears...someone zapped me!
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90 Human Paladin
I'm just chilling waiting for everyone else to get up to me and stuff. lol But I will in game RP with people if yall are on.
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25 Blood Elf Paladin
Ok we did a little rp fight and have come up with some rules, I want some feed back on it please.

1. Rp fights are different than pvp duels. For the purpose of this I will set down rules we can all agree to.

2. Challenge must be verbal and in emotes. You must each have a "second" that is a separate person who will roll for you.

3. Challenger goes first and emotes an attack. The "second" rolls for the challenger and keeps track of injuries.

4. The challenged will respond in emotes and may include a counterattack, in emote only and no God-modding. That is you "attempt" to hit, your opponent will respond after the rolls. The "second" for the challenged rolls after the emote.

5. Before the fight you must agree to a point value to determine winner. For simplicity we went with 10 points to win. Each time a dueller wins the roll they get a point.

6. "Second" keep track of injuries and may remind the dueller before a roll if they need to re post their emote.

7. Challengers "second" will keep track of scores at end of both rolls in a 0/0 format. The first number being the challenger.

Anything else we need to post a rule on? Please respond with agree or any suggestions.
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95 Human Death Knight
I like it, and also, I want to use my journal or a secondary book/thread as a place to keep 'drawings' (aka screenshots) that my character has either a) sketched in her book or b) other people have drawn.
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25 Blood Elf Paladin
Feel free to include a link in your journal post, maybe near the bottom?
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90 Human Paladin
Like the RP fight rules lol also if only I could actually draw then I would include sketches :3
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95 Human Death Knight
I can... Draw dragons. Kinda. I actually have an okay sketch of Allay, and I could probably pull a Blood Elf or two off given enough time... Maybe that'll be my newest project.
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25 Blood Elf Paladin
Actually I think screen shots are fine. Though I am always interested in artwork.

Og guys I am adding another character, we will see if I can pull off a second challenger. I need an invite to guild however when someone has the time. Name is Lillisarei, mage. She will be herbs and inscription since we will be needing glyphs soon.
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1 Blood Elf Hunter
I have made a hunter for this until I have worked out how I will join the guild I would like to remain anonymous. I have however posted on your journal forum as well.

Female blood elf hunter
Currently level 19
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73 Blood Elf Warrior
Hey sorry Kara, my main comp crashed. Currently on my laptop. great now get to fix my main comp, fun :(
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25 Blood Elf Paladin
No problem Nic.

Narrator, you intrigue me...feel free to approach any of us in character to do an interview and invite if you want it that way!

Keep in mind we will be working Hillsbrad next. We will head to Undercity and gain the quests there before heading to the hills! Be a good idea to join the guild before we get to Hillsbrad if you want to do it in person.

I will be online and in game on my new alt until we get enough to finish the last quests in the Ghostlands. Anyone in the guild who wants help finishing it please let me know.

Will post on Lillisarei in Journal thread. Lilli is my mage.
Edited by Karavaelia on 4/12/2012 2:42 AM PDT
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16 Blood Elf Warlock
Hi, this is Daedhel, on the Warlock I'm want to join with, so how do I go about joining the guild? IC interview I'm assuming, but where would I meet with you guys to do it since I'm not high enough lvl to reach Ghostlands/Hilsbrad?
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
You could send us an IC letter, or whisper one of us and we can come up with a reason to be in Silvermoon.
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6 Blood Elf Warrior
From the ashes ...
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75 Blood Elf Mage
Wow, Marobashi...thanks for some very nice inspiration!! I encourage all of you to read this and take it to heart. I intend on doing this as much as possible from now on. So in game when we meet....expect Lilli and Kara to be IN character at all times.

And anyone who wants to join us. I am not making the guild quite so hard core as FIRPing...but I would like to as much as possible.
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17 Blood Elf Warrior
FIRPing...by the Gods I cannot remember the last time I had done that >.<

Now if only my internet was good enough for me to do that without fear of D/Cing and then dying...
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75 Blood Elf Mage
I hear you Kriest, now we are getting some interest, and a question has come up in guild chat.

We need to set a theme for the guild. We are all blood elves, and we want to make it not quite a House guild, but mainly Sindorei culture based pride. And yes I did go there...House of the Rising Sun!!

But yes I intend on FIRP as much as possible but I will slip occationally and be OOC.

So thoughts people who are in the guild I need your input. On a theme for the guild. We are a band of Sindorei who have all had losses and are together to help each other. That is as far as I was going with it. But some have questioned why?
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17 Blood Elf Warrior
rofl, House of the Rising Sun...what will you think of next...

At any rate, on the matter of us being a band of Sin'dorei who have lost loved ones or who have ended up 'alone' in the world...We can go to many directions...but sadly, not a house...not all of us are related, rofl.

But, back to the themes...we can stay as a Fellowship, or turn into a sort of Order of survivors. The Order of the Rising Sun, sounds pretty legit.

I would like to recall on my suggestions of ranks during the meetings...Leader being named the Phoenix, the officers being called the Solar Council, and all that good stuff. Can be very interesting.

Maybe a Legion of some sort, never done a Legion thing before...Ya know, make Legates or something like that for ranks, just add a bit of Blood Elf into it. That sounds like it can be fun, get enough people, we can start making legions effectively. But that may require a bit too much thought.

I'll let others come up with stuff.
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90 Human Paladin
04/12/2012 07:09 PMPosted by Kriestalan
Maybe a Legion of some sort, never done a Legion thing before...Ya know, make Legates or something like that for ranks, just add a bit of Blood Elf into it. That sounds like it can be fun, get enough people, we can start making legions effectively. But that may require a bit too much thought.

If we do this I call dibs on setting it up.

Legions are my specialty :)
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25 Blood Elf Paladin
Feel free to set it up and give me a run down, I like the idea, though this is not supposed to be anything complicated. I agree we need more structure. I will go into game and set it up if we all can vote on it. I am in MOP beta but still want to do this.

Anyone who wants to invite a friend feel free as well you are all able to invite.
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