Lore Night

90 Blood Elf Hunter
Now introducing:

Lore Nights, a new monthly event hosted by Da Doctas, and open to all members of the Horde.
Come share stories and lessons, and learn of the various cultures and histories of the Horde, and the wisdom they have to share!

Each month will have a new general theme, and we will have speakers prepared to tell stories, and teach lessons about said theme. Once the speakers for the night are out of the way, we'll open up the sharing to the general public, to allow anyone to tell their stories, or teach any lessons they may have learned throughout their travels.

As the theme changes, so will the location, to fully immerse both storytellers and listeners alike. For the first month, it will be held at Da Doctas' campus, and the theme will be the formation of the New Horde. Bring your tales, history, and lessons alike - while it's encouraged they relate to the theme of the month, we welcome anything anyone may have to share.
The first event will be held on Saturday, June sixteenth, the second Saturday of the month at Seven PM - a date we'll try to repeat.
Contact the Head Protector of Da Doctas, Jean Dawnveil, for more information.

(( So, as an OOC note, basically there will be a couple people with prepared stories to tell, and lessons to share, at the beginning of the event. After they go, we'll open it up to whoever volunteers, and while it's encouraged to stick to the general theme of the month, any sort of story or lesson is encouraged, and we encourage everyone to come.
As the location changes each month, we'll be certain to advertise beforehand the theme and location, so that people can think on what sort of knowledge they'd like to pass down, be it through stories, fables, or various sorts of history or lessons.
The time is not set in stone, so if there are major objections to the second Saturday of each month at seven PM, we can probably work around it.
Contact Jean, or any of my various alts, Arothand, Vanyris, Xanossa, etc, for more information. ))
Edited by Jean on 3/14/2013 4:28 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
(( So far we've got some storytellers signed up for certain, though there's always room for more!

Of course, you don't have to sign up, you can show up and share on whatever you like, be it on the monthly subject or otherwise. ))
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100 Tauren Shaman
((Well darn. I'd totally sign up, but being 10 hours ahead of server time does make things like this a little difficult to be around for. I might be switching to working nights in the future here though, so it might be a possibility in future events like this.))
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
(( Tonight, seven o'clock, at Sun Rock Retreat in Stonetalon. Contact me beforehand if you need a lift - on the forums or ingame. If you post on here I'll make certain to get on early ingame, at least. ))
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
(( Thanks everyone for showing up!

Next month, July 14th, join us in the ruins of Lordaeron at Seven PM ST to discuss the Plague of Lordaeron, and all sorts of other stories. ))
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
This month's theme: The first plague!

This month's location: The ruins of Lordaeron!

Don't miss it!

July Fourteenth, seven PM!
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
This Saturday at seven PM!

Join us for a night of discussion and storytelling alongside the AAMS Horde Branch, in the Ruins of Lordaeron.
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27 Orc Warrior
((I think I'm going to try to come to this!))
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90 Undead Priest
*grumbles under his breath in Gutterspeak about the living crawling over his city*

((Otherwise, I'll be there. *grins*))
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90 Undead Warlock
((I'll make an effort to be to this one.))
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100 Undead Priest
Well, dang. 's a'lookin' like I ain't gonna make it.

Y'all have fun now, y'all hear?
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86 Blood Elf Warlock
(( A thank you to everyone that came out last night! It was great fun. ))

The next Lounge and Lore night will be held August eleventh, in the city of lights, Shattrath.

As this month's theme and location revolved around the plague, the next will focus on it's opposite, the Light.

Unfortunately, Master Dawnveil is otherwise indisposed for the night, so his co-host, Olarius will be taking the metaphorical reins, and I will be providing a lesson upon the Light from a much less biased point of view than what may be the norm.
Edited by Vanyris on 7/15/2012 1:18 PM PDT
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90 Undead Priest
((Missed it...curse the foul Internet gods...))
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86 Blood Elf Warlock
While there may be others speaking from... different points of view, I would not miss this, on the eleventh. I will be providing a logical, sound lecture upon the true nature of the Light, and what it requires from it's users.
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90 Undead Mage
*bump* This is tomorrow, folks)))
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86 Blood Elf Warlock
(( This is tonight!

Seven PM server time. ))
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86 Blood Elf Warlock
(( Thanks for everyone for coming out tonight!

It was a lot of fun, for all involved, I do believe.

The next lore night will be seven PM, September eighth.

It will be hosted on Nagrand, and the topic shall be the first war. ))
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
(( This week's event will be hosted on the floating island above Lake Sunspring - the one with the large tree.

The topic with be the first war, and for the first time we will have a member of the Alliance speaking to the crowd.

Seven PM, tomorrow! ))
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
(( This is tonight! ))
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
(( Thanks for everyone who attended tonight!

It was one of the best turn-outs yet.

The next month's lore night, October 13th, will be about weapons of mass destruction. The location is yet to be decided! ))
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