Interest in an Arena or Gladiator type rp?

90 Blood Elf Warlock
I had this idea for my warlock to collect gladiators to fight in an arena. She would have a staff of minions to collect (ie-capture, coerce through trickery or outright hire) worthy Champions to square off in a grandstand style rp event.

Tme and place to be determined by available participants. I would like to see the duels take place in a nice arena like Gurubashi where we could have spectators and vendors selling snacks. If I get enough willing to participate we could do a monthly or even weekly event.

Any thoughts on what would be accepted as far as can it be a slavery type ring, or just like a tournament or sports event? I am willing to do whatever is acceptable.
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85 Goblin Priest
My brother and I are very interested in this. I have a few questions. Are we only going to be able to bring 85's? We only have characters on the Emerald Dream server so would have to grind new characters. Do you plan for this to be a long term rp, or just a month long flash in the pan type deal? Im sure there are more to ask but hope this pans out for you. It sounds very interesting
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90 Undead Mage
Slavery is a bit of a tricky subject. In the only context it is mentioned as permitted, it involves traitors and criminals (war included) having been purchased to fight as gladiators. Capturing and trickery, in an underground arena-slave ring thing, drags it further and further from how in the light of day you could be.

I'd recommend focusing more on it being an opt-in style gladiator arena for those seeking fame/fortune/ect and all that fun jazz. It brings a bit of a wider audience; you might lose out on some that don't support slavery/ect, of which there are many.

At the least, don't /openly/ support it. If someone has a gladiator slave that they have fight in it, but keep it hush-hush, well, that's a different matter, just so long as its not openly supported. It might lead to IC drama if someone does and its outted, but that can lead to RP on its own too :D

Try not to mention anything about slavery rings, unless you want anti-slavery types to try and crash it. Go for more an opt-in Arena/Gladiator tournament type thing. Now that I think about it, there used to actually be events like this way back in BC. It could certainly be interesting.

Hit me up in game some time if you want to discuss it more in depth and in a ..faster medium. I could certainly offer some insight/suggestions and wrangle up a few folks to help.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Thanks Raoul! I will try and get in touch with you sometime in near future. What I had in mind would be possibly a combination of legit and underground fighting. Such as, well perhaps someone has a debt to another person and that other person liked to watch fights. Kind of like an indenture system.

Or...and this is a big... OR....there could be a warlord who captures enemies to fight for sport. Perhaps offering the freedom of the fighter if they win a certain amount of matches. Kind of like....

Warlord Blackfang of the orcish clan operating out of the Barrens. Decides to capture a few Alliance champions and pits them against his elite warriors for sport. If they win a certain amount of the time they are released to go back to their units. Just a for instance.

Or perhaps a goblin cartel decides it is a good business venture to have a Fight Club. Entry fees and evenly matched contenders fight for a set prize or amount of gold. Sell tickets for spectators and have vendors selling snacks and liquor. Could be a legit sport. If staged in Gurubashi at least there is a grandstand? or perhaps we could put it in the barrens where there is an open spot and people could gather around and watch.
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92 Night Elf Druid
Sounds interesting but I don't think I'd hold it in an arena, just because of griefing. Sadly.

'Az want eat fighter', though. =)
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85 Human Paladin
That sounds really interesting. I wouldn't mind giving it a shot, though my dueling skills are sub-par at best. A slavery-type deal sounds more interesting to me, but only because I like my drama stories. :) As Raoul said, you've have to keep it under wraps ICly, in case you had abolitionists come and try to crash it. Although, again, that can be half the fun...

I wonder, for those not interested in the PvP aspect or too low level, if you could do a /roll system? Or an emote-based system? Not quite as exciting, but an idea.
Edited by Lahkin on 6/19/2012 11:38 AM PDT
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90 Undead Mage
If you do RP fights, that's going to require a /lot/ more regulation to prevent godmodding and ensure a 'fair' random fight. A lot more mechanics to work out to perfect than would be worth it, really. How many hits someone has, how much each ability hits for, how CCs and stuns work, how heals work, ect.

Also, shady is perfectly fine and totally encouraged :) (Ie, that whole paying off debts thing.) It can be rather interesting and fun. I can think of a bloke or two I know that might wind up having to do that :p

The Warlord thing would probably be more up to any of the Alliance players that want to participate than anything, I imagine, so if any of them want to run with it, heh, well, there you go.

Also, actual in game arenas have their pros and cons.

A few pros:

    It allows for team based fighting or more than 1v1. (The biggest pro in my opinion)

    Its a bit more dynamic than a duel since there is no area limit

    The locations themselves are thematically suiting and wonderful for the event in question.

    It creates more opportunities for RP. Maybe you need to hire on a few guards to keep outsiders from interfering, or maybe one of the fighters decides to rig a match or someone is paid to assassinate one of the fighters during a match. Other random things like that.

A few of the cons

    Its a lot easier for non-rpers to interfere.

    Emotes are a bit trickier to see inside of arenas as they appear as strange gestures to the people free for all flagged.

I can't really think of any of the other cons at the moment, although arguments can be made against each. For the first con point, enough of us on Horde-side are geared that we can stomp any of the griefers that do show up unless they do so en masse, which very few people would actually bother to do and even then it'd be easy enough to just step outside if that did happen. For the second, well, you're not oging to be emoting much in a duel anyway :) And if you need to just use say.

As such, the pros far outweigh the cons, if you ask me.

Unless I'm mistaken, there are three permanent FFA flag areas. Gurubashi, Dire Maul, and Nagrand.

I would recommend either Gurubashi or Dire Maul, myself. They both have better aesthetics and what have you. Gurubashi has bleachers and stands to sit at, Dire Maul you can sit on the ring above and watch and the fighters have a little area to themselves that they can co-mingle in as they wait to fight. Gurubashi is probably a bit easier to get to, although DM isn't too far out of the way.

Up to you which one you use - or, hell (Wow, too much WoW. I typed fel at first), you could alternate between the three arenas. Spice things up a bit. I'm all for dynamic event locations, if fishing and lore nights tell you anything. Too much of the same place gets stale.
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100 Orc Shaman
I *think* Cataclysm removed the FFA restriction in Dire Maul when they moved the rares, but I'm not certain.
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85 Human Paladin
There's also an arena in Blade's Edge, Outlands. That might be your best bet, since most people don't know about it, or care to venture out there.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
You know what I have to say about this, we've chatted in game about logistics kinda, I think the Fellowship would be in on it, as we've discussed. Remind me, when I have time on my hands, to chat with you some more about how we'd work it out?

I have a couple ideas regarding Kel and Vira, just remind me to share them later!
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90 Undead Mage
I'll have to check on DM sometime. I know Nagrand and Gurubashi are still FFA
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
I am so glad this is getting some attention. It was my idea originally to have it as a undercover thing, but if making it a legit fight club with some goblin running it would be fun. I have a goblin DK can do that, name is Samhayne.

So anyone interested in helping with this? I cannot do it alone. I love all your ideas. And I have the guild who is seeking out Viragona to kill her for some past crimes. She will be in the background and using the fighters as a source for her soul munching. She is truly evil and eventually I will have her meet her end.
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90 Undead Mage
Dire Maul is, indeed, no longer FFA :< Shame. What kind of help would you need? I could put my feelers out to see who could help and how.
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
Well some help organising it and setting up the events would be nice. I am not always available to run things, but ready to help with doing the rp when I can. I am not good at organising stuff. I can come up with ideas, it is putting them into practical use Ihave trouble with.
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62 Goblin Death Knight
Ok this is Viragona alt. I want to set this up small and build it slowly, so I suggest any interested people show up to events like the Lore night or the AAMS nights and I will start talking to people about setting up a fight club. I think this might be an easy way to get it started.

If you have an interest in joining a fight club, show up and talk to Samhayne. If there is anyone who wants to start such Alli side feel free to do so and we can arrange matches via AAMS. Will be held at Gurubashi to start with. I suggest interested guilds sponsor a few good fighters of any level and see if we can find some to set up a vendor type deal.

Fight club may be easiest to do using a chat channel. I will create one in game horde side. Join fightclubooc.
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90 Human Rogue
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90 Undead Mage
You don't even use the darkarts channel! And a lot of people have too many channels to use another. I wouldn't bother with the channel :p
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62 Goblin Death Knight
I am on darkarts channel, and seldom see anyone else on it. Does not mean it cannot be used. I think a fightclub channel would just help folks who are interested get together. I hardly ever see anyone actually talking on the horde open channel either. Or the hearthstone channel. I wonder if it is because hordeside rp is so bland no one is doing it except guildies?
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90 Undead Mage
Touchy touchy :p
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62 Goblin Death Knight
Sorry did not mean to sound upset, it is just fact. Hordeside rp is mostly limited to guilds. I will make it a point to frequent the horde chat channels nad actively seek others.

Summer is a bit light anyway. ALways happens. I cheerfully invite anyone who wants to do the Arena thing to join me on Sunday's from 12 noon to 3 p m. Starting the first of July. I would love it if you all take the time to rp this as a fighter with a manager and maybe a crew for moral support or whatever. Let's make it fun!

Not beyond having people who want to make it a slave/gladiator with an owner, however it works to make your rp interesting. For the first few weeks we should do it as practice and see how we can make it work as a regular event.

Thanks all for your interest.
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