Horde Lounge nights (H RP, weekly)

86 Blood Elf Paladin
A flier is passed out in all Horde and neutral cities in Orcish, Thalassian, Kezan, Gutterspeak, and Taurahe. Some of the fliers, oddly, appear to be stained with what is quite possibly ectoplasm.

"The AAMS Horde branch is now featuring a lounge night, once a week, for it's off-duty couriers and it's Horde clients! Come enjoy a night of complete relaxation and get to know your AAMS and fellow members of the Horde better, complete with a scenic, sea-side restauraunt, a lovely dock to fish off of, drinks a-plenty, and a flower garden to boot.

When: every Saturday, seven PM server! This means that once a month, on the second Saturday of the month, we'll be joining up with Da Doctas for a combined Lounge and Lore night - a relaxing night with open-minded, educational speeches and discussions!

Where: scenic Hardwrench Hideaway, which has all the commodities one could possibly need for a night off! It even has a forge and anvil, for the social workaholic - however, on the second Saturday of the month, for Lounge and Lore night, we'll be moving to whereever the Docta's have scheduled their event.

A reminder, this is an event for the Horde branch and members of the Horde only. Any Alliiance appearances will not be pardoned by the guards.

The Alliance has many taverns we encourage our couriers to go to, however, the Horde was sorely lacking, and as such, the AAMS is - as always - glad to provide."
Edited by Xanossa on 6/22/2012 7:08 PM PDT
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90 Undead Mage
Yay more events :D))
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90 Human Paladin
((Hmm, something to attend with my priest (who has recently arrived from Medivh, bwahahahaha!). Hardwrench, that's in STV...it doesn't phase, does it?))
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
(( To my knowledge, the only thing that phases it is currently being on the Bwemba (Bwamba?) 85 quests. But abandoning those or completing them puts you back on the original. ))
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62 Goblin Death Knight
Is that server time? I mean some of us may be on East coast and not know the time differences. Anytime an event is scheduled you should note that it is server time or a specific time zone.

And I will be there spreading some ads for the Arena I hope to sponsor.

Edited by Samhayne on 6/22/2012 10:12 PM PDT
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
(( Server time, yes. I'll edit the post to clarify. ))
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90 Human Paladin
06/22/2012 06:27 PMPosted by Samhayne
Is that server time? I mean some of us may be on East coast and not know the time differences.

((As an east coaster who's been here a while...yeah, still get a little brain loop with times, heh.))
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90 Undead Warlock
((I like the sound of this))
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
((I am a number of other members of the Fellowship will be there, iffy schedules tonight not withstanding.))
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
((Shameless Bump))
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100 Goblin Shaman
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100 Goblin Shaman
It seemed not many people had the time to simply take a night off an relax. Lounge night had been very quiet the past few weeks. Still, Kezrin would do her job and be there to greet anyone who might show up at Hardwrench, even if was supposedly a "night off" for her as well.

If it were truly a "night off," why was she always scolded for being a grumpy hostess?

((Hiya, folks!

Horde Lounge night is tonight, 7pm server, Hardwrench Hideaway in Stranglethorn!

Come and torment Kezrin with social obligations!))
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100 Undead Warrior
Erm, tonight is Da Doctasss celebration in Ssstonetalonsss, yesss?
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100 Goblin Shaman
((Ah, was it? My mistake then; I would not pre-empt that event. ))
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100 Goblin Shaman
((We'll be doing something a little bit different this week! Kezrin will be needing some help getting a shipment safely through the Barrens with the increased Kor'Kron activity. Alliance is welcomed to assist, although Horde is preferred as we'll be going by the Crossroads.

I have taken one of my lower level toons through the Barrens. Level 90s are tagged yellow for lower level toons and won't attack unless provoked, and I could still see other level 90 players.))
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100 Goblin Shaman
"What's this?" Kezrin asked as she was handed an envelope. She could tell it was official AAMS business, not a client delivery.

"Oh, it's a renewal of our agreement with the restaurant in Hardwrench," Derscha explained. "Be sure to take that with you tonight."

It was too late; the envelope was already in Kezrin's hands. Still, she held it out at arms length, as though she honestly expected Derscha to take it back. "What makes you think I'm goin' to Hardwrench again? Ain't there someone else who can go?"

Derscha simply smiled at Kezrin. "But now people are expecting you."

The goblin sighed. "Right. Whatever. But I'm getting paid for this one."


(( *checks date* It's been over a year now, and Lounge Night is still being held! (Despite my work schedule doing its best to make me late.) Still just a casual meeting place to chat and meet other roleplayers.

Kezrin's really not the type to offer cake and icecream to celebrate, but she can probably be convinced to set off a few fireworks on the beach in honor of Midsummer's. So if you've got a free evening, come and keep her company! ))
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71 Undead Warlock
((Most excellent! I'll note it and try to attend :D))
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100 Goblin Shaman
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33 Orc Warrior
Dorgot had a headache.
A head-bashed-against-the-wall, poker-in-the-eye, please-don’t-breathe-so-loud headache. And not from the Mulgore firewater either; he was an orc who could easily hold his liquor.

No, it was a confusion headache.
His brain would not settle down today after attending the Lounge last night, and work wasn’t involved enough to keep his mind from wandering and wondering. With the Orgrimmar security in place these days, they didn’t get to see each other near as often as he would like, and all he could do was fret.

Was there a fellow in her life now?
She’d seemed so happy to see him when he arrived, in spite of all her friends she had with her.

Who was the dress from?
She hadn’t seemed pleased by it, but she HAD taken it back with her.

In spite of being happy to see him, she really hadn’t been all that talkative. Plus she’d looked for any excuse to run back to the office (twice).
Grant you, even on her best day (although he wasn’t sure if he’d actually SEEN her on a best day), she wasn’t one to natter on.

But was she more terse with him than usual?

And so on.

And having firepit duty today wasn’t helping.
The bright fires irritated his sensitized eyes; the smoke from extinguishing the fires brought on the usual coughing – which made his brain feel like it was smacking around in his skull; and all the bending over to scoop out the ashes was throwing his equilibrium off, adding to his general wooziness.

What he needed to do was take action, something like the gift-dress.
But different.

Something personal.
Well, not “personal” (he blushed), but catered to her person.
This new train of thought derailed the circling worries and he could feel the headache evaporating.

He took a deep breath. Maybe a book of poetry.
No, Dorgot couldn’t see her sitting down all prim & proper to read a book of poetry; might as well picture her playing a classical piece of music on a harp, or painting on a easel.

He chuckled to himself.

What about that new work he’d heard of? A play about Blackhand. History was something he thought she’d like, plus as a play, it would be entertainment too.

But the author was a troll. It would probably be near impossible to find a copy here in Orgrimmar.

He continued down the streets of Orgrimmar, cleaning out & relighting the firepits, as he figured out how & when he could make a trip out of town and down to Senjin Village to try to find a copy.
Edited by Dorgot on 7/14/2013 5:46 PM PDT
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63 Goblin Shaman
(Did not mean to cause such chaos With Kez and Dorgot!)
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