[H; RP] Black Hand Society

A meeting of the Black Hand Society will occur every other Wednesday at the Tavern in the Mists at 6:30pm on Wednesday, October 18th. All who wish to come are free to leave the burden of the ethics of others at the door, and enjoy a drink, some food, and other delights we have to offer while enjoying the company of like minded individuals.

((If you would like an invite to the calendar event in game, please contact Thelinna or Kaerina. Thank you!

This thread will serve as an on-going announcement.))
Edited by Thelinna on 10/9/2012 5:10 PM PDT
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100 Human Rogue
07/18/2012 05:33 AMPosted by Rigsby
Why's it gotta be black?

Because that's what color black is. If it was say...purple then it wouldn't be black and really the purple hand society just does not sound right. ...or intimidating for that matter. Fear us for we are the purple hand society!

*looks around shiftily then coughs and wanders back off*
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100 Undead Warrior
Their handsss may be black becaussse they are digging in dirt, yesss? Or, maybe, they are all ardent printersss, yesss? maybe, they p[aint for a living, yesss?

Who knowsss why they do what they do, yesss!
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41 Goblin Warlock
My hands are distinctly green in this body.

However, I do wear gloves. Sometimes those are black.

I shall be attending this next meeting one way or the other, however.
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85 Human Paladin
I'm color blind.. I don't see color.. People tell me I'm Worgen so I assume it's true. I am strong advocate for racial equality and find the content of this advertisement offensive. I mean what are you trying to say? All people with black hands are evil?

For shame...

Well, if you want to be technical about it, dogs can see blue and yellow.

So the purple hand society is actually the blue hand society!

And that could be racist against either trolls or draenei....hmmm....
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((This is tomorrow! :) ))
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((Next BHS will be Wednesday, August 8th at the Cleft of Shadows in Orgrimmar at 6:30 pm. ))
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((This is tomorrow! ))
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((This is tonight! Summons will be available, but it is just down in the cleft of shadows in Orgrimmar. Contact myself or Kaerina if you'd like more information! ))
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((Thank you all who came tonight! This will be happening again in two weeks, on the 22nd! ))
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((This will be happening again this Wednesday! ))
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((This is tonight! ))
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85 Human Paladin
((Ooh, I think I might actually be able to make this.

...er. On a suitably evil alt, I mean.))
Edited by Lahkin on 8/22/2012 9:14 AM PDT
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((Hooray for suitably evil alts! :D ))
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
((We could always have Lahkin there. Oh yes....would be ever so much fun!))
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85 Human Paladin
((Don't you tempt me! I might bring, er, friends. Yeah, friends!))
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(( -Tempts!-

Another BHS will be this Wednesday, the 5th! ))
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