Blood Elf

29 Night Elf Priest
Alright, so I decided, I wanted to role play on a blood character, I do not know much lore about Sin'dorei besides them being to addicted to magic, fel magic more specifically I believe. But other than that, I'm gonna need help, I made a warlock, so I plan on being a Sin'dorei Warlock in RP. I would appreciate some help and getting some lore information for you all. Thanks
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80 Dwarf Warrior
Well to start the blood elves became addicted to magic when the sun well was destroyed. The blood elves were actually high elves but some high elves still exist. Blood elf warlocks were generally mages before or were just warlocks to start out
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18 Blood Elf Mage
Also, don't call yourself a high elf unless you're a death knight, as they technically are. For more elaborate history, see here:
For RP basics, see here:
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64 Blood Elf Priest
Wowpedia is a pretty good source of lore. I also like to use and look up Know Your Lore. The main thing about blood elves is they are not so much addicted to magic, more like it is an intrinsic part of their culture and they use it in everything. Imagine if you will the effect on them of the destruction of the Sunwell.

It would be like all the power all over the world were suddenly turned off and not available. Like no electricity anywhere. That means no television, no lights at night, no heat in electric heated homes and no way for the mass amounts of communications to work. It would cause mass chaos and confusion. This means no cell phones, no radio, no factories running, no water pumps. Now add to that, there are demons offering you electricity in exchange for your soul...scary isn't it?

I did some searching and found this link, hope it works to help you.
Edited by Sydric on 8/6/2012 11:14 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Mage
08/06/2012 10:43 PMPosted by Thurimar
Well to start the blood elves became addicted to magic when the sun well was destroyed.

They were always addicted to magic. It just became obvious when their source was taken away.

Anyway, Wowpedia is a good site for lore.
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87 Blood Elf Priest
Blood Elves were addicted to magic by a history of being connected to the Well of Eternity. It was stated in Warcraft III as an addiction. They went into withdrawal from the preexisting addiction when the Sunwell was sacrificed. They were taught by the Naga and Illidan to leech fel from demons to sate their withdrawal symptoms. They did not do this in cooperation with the Burning Legion. They abused the life force of the Burning Legion. Kael'thas became loyal to the Legion further on in the plotline, which earned him the title of Betrayer, and made his own nation turn on him. The Sunwell was reformed at the end of BC as a mix of arcane and light. They have not been addicted to fel for a long period of time.

High Elves very much do still exist. Elves who followed Kael'thas in severing from the Alliance took on the title Blood Elves. Those loyal to the Alliance or whom remained neutral are High Elves.
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80 Dwarf Warrior
I didnt think they got addicted untill the sun well got destroyed. but in cata i thoughtt they got cured
Edited by Thurimar on 8/11/2012 5:33 PM PDT
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21 Troll Shaman
They will never be truly cured. They still need magic to stay sane, but now they dwell on the magic of the Light, I think.
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26 Gnome Warlock
08/11/2012 05:55 PMPosted by Sodfik
They will never be truly cured. They still need magic to stay sane, but now they dwell on the magic of the Light, I think.

Blood/High elves are still addicted to Arcane Magic, and without it they still go into horrible withdrawl. Arcane is like a drug for them, it hurts to not use it, and it hurts to use it too quickly. If they don't get their fix they suffer withdrawl, if they get their fixes too plentifully and too quickly they degenerate into wretched.

From what I know, Light Magic can't help with the addictive qualities of Arcane magic, but now that the Sunwell has been restored as a font of both arcane and light magic, I'll bet that they don't have to siphon magic, as they pretty much just bathe in it, along with being able to properly channel light magic.
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90 Human Death Knight
Go play Dragon Age: Origins

Start the game as an elven mage, and make all the "evil" mage decisions (blood magic)

That's about as much as you need to know about playing a blood elf warlock.

The rest is just general history you can clean from wowwiki or wowpedia or whatever source you want to use. There's a great guide stickied at the top of the World's End Tavern forums
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