A red journal...bound by a golden rope. A name is printed on the front in gold...Aseria Sunblade
Aseria stood in the rain on the balcony of Greymane mannor, looking at the winding road, the dark green and grey terrain, the turning seas that trashed against the cliffs. To the mage, it was a suiting place for someone like her, a place where she could think and let her emotions run wild and free. There was little of any other emotion here....only sorrow and madness.
The Pyromancer turned to see her Mistress and Witch friend, The Elven Witch, standing next to her, a black cloak thrown over her childish form, a hood thrown up to keep her head dry while Aseria's was soaked through "It is time I asked you something". Ash turned to look back out at the horizon again, her jade green eyes showing little emotion "My ears are open to you, what's this question?".
The Witch glanced from the corner of her eye to the woman "When Vira is delt with, are you going to be ready to fight the Fellowship? With out remorse, with out sorrow, with out hesitation, will you be ready to face them?". Ash took her time to answer the question, chooseing her words carefully to answer the woman "Like I said, Kel is a special case, with her our plans can go a lot more smoothly...and after those recent events, we might have the upper hand already..."
The Witched looked back out at the horizon with Ash "So..is that a yes?". The mage smirked "No...not yes...but a definate and complete yes. I will be ready, the Fellowship will weep tears of blood by the time we are done with them....there will be no stopping me". The Witch grinned "Good.....in anycase, I shall talk to you later...I must retire for a bit, I'm pretty beat after that little event we had with Kel..."
In a flash of shadow, the Witch was gone, leaving Aseria to stand on the balcony for a few more moments before turning around and heading back inside. It was there that she began to make her way to her room, a suite which was left behind by the Mannors previous owners. Entering the room, she closed the door behind her and walked over to a table where her journal was. Sitting down, she muttered a few words under her breath to make the candle glow brighter before opening her journal, dipping her quill in the red ink in a small bottle, and then holding it over an empty page, watching as a small drop of the ink fell onto it, the red being the color of blood.
*A red sploch would be in the corner of this page*
Blood....the life force of many living creatures...and the horrid reminder of the living dead...depending if they are a Death Knight or not. Me and the Witch had confronted Kel'tira in a came and surrounded her, the Witch useing her shadow magic to trap her. While I had kept her eyes on me, she snuck up behind Kel and attacked, lodging her teeth into Kels neck to draw blood.
I had to stop Kel from casting a spell in attempt to stop the Witch, a quick counter spell was easy enough. Either way, the Witch managed to complete the spell we have now put upon her. The spell is the same spell that was used on me and turned me insane. Seeing as this was Kel we are talking about, however, her decent into madness will be a lot more slower. We have not activated the spell as of yet, waiting for Vira to be delt with before we make our move, in the mean time, Kel will have to enjoy what little sanity she has left before the spell begins to devour it.
I don't have much more to right today...but I will leave with this.
I will break the Fellowship, one way or another, slowly, one by one, they will all break and cry for mercy.
I torture them, and then the Witch will be able to torture their spirits and sanity.
Their decent into Madness will come soon enough.