Gambit: Level 25!!

90 Blood Elf Hunter
The mine explodes and Linnoch flies back a dozen feet or so, groaning as he lands on his backside.

"Son of a - " he starts, as he hears the all-too familiar whirr of a minigun starting to spin.

"Oh, Fel, oh, Fel, oh, FELFELFELFELFEL - !" Linnoch shrieks as he gets up and dashes through the streets of Bilgewater, desperately seeking cover from the rain of bullets.
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86 Blood Elf Rogue
Akira sips his drink and watches boredly from the corner. Upon the initiation of "Minigun Therapy," he facepalms.

"You're all idiots."
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
"AND THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME OUT HERE SO MUCH," Linnoch snarls from behind a table on the inn's patio that he's using for cover, "NO, REALLY, I MEAN IT. YOU'RE DOING A GREAT JOB, KIR."
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86 Blood Elf Rogue
Akira simply sips his drink again.

"I'm here to please."
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85 Undead Rogue
*sips his Earl Grey Tea* Yes. Quite.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Linnoch blinks as he realizes with horror that he's hiding for cover from Tyrynna in two completely separate threads.

"How the FEL does this keep happening - ?" he grumbles.
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86 Blood Elf Rogue
While the elf and the... whatever-Disfavor-is sip their drinks and watch the destruction, Lydia climbs behind the table and pokes Linnoch. Repeatedly. "You." She says. "Are VERY skooshy, Linny."

Then Akira glances up. "Lydia, behave. Linnoch's already hiding from Tyr in two separate threads."
Edited by Akirå on 3/10/2013 12:52 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Linnoch chuckles at Lydia. "Thanks, kiddo. I think. Uh...what's skooshy?"
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Tyr walks casually up... then whacks Linn over the head with a frying pan.

"Skooshy is your brain after I pummel it into elf-flavored toothpaste."
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85 Undead Rogue
Leave some for me, I haven't had well done Elf in quite a while.
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
"Toothpaste?" Linnoch groans, "Really? That's the best you could come up with?"

Linnoch cautiously reaches for his fire axe.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Tyr punts the fire axe out of the solar system, and punts Linn with it.

"Team Linnoch's blasting off again, B****"
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90 Blood Elf Hunter
Linnoch disappears somewhere past the horizon, probably not far from where Hazzle's been punted as well.

Irony is a cruel, cruel thing.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Tyr waves as Linnoch dissapears.

"Have fun storming the internet!"
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28 Orc Warrior
*Hands Tyrynna a newspaper, 10 gold, and a new frying pan*
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90 Night Elf Hunter
*Takes, gladly... then whacks the delivery orc.*

"Damn, this thing is AWESOME!"
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100 Draenei Shaman
<The sound of frogs playing trumpets begins>

A procession of frogs walk into the thread, leaving a frog patterned carpet in their wake.

More frogs come hopping down the carpet, and then more, and then EVEN MORE.

soon the whole thread is filled with frogs, but amidst the frog induced chaos, the frogs part, leaving an aisle of empty space.

Belpha walks down that isle, Mojo on his right shoulder, his arm is being used to hex any non-frogs in the vicinity.

Belpha reaches the end of the carpet and stands dramatically before slapping his formal looking stack of papers on the pre-positioned podium

"Fear not, my brethren, for today, I, BELPHA "THE HEXING KING" LYRON HAVE RETURNED!"

As Belpha's speech concludes, the frogs go rampant in the channel, knocking things over, crawling into people's clothes, finding ways into cracks in the thread's walls. Wails of terror are echoing the thread as people are carried off whole by the frog flood, and above it all is Belpha Yelling

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90 Night Elf Hunter
Tyr blinks once. Blinks twice. Sloooooooooowly brings a stop to punching Linnoch full of bullet-sized holes. She turns to look at Belpha.

"And just where..." she picks up the minigun.

"The hell." She aims it at the Draenei and his many frogs.



"BEEN!?" She opens fire, and quite gleefully. Don't worry, Linn, you're safe for now.
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90 Worgen Death Knight
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90 Night Elf Hunter

It requires bumping.

So I shall bump.

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