Reins of the Spectral Tiger

90 Worgen Druid
Hellro everyone!!! Baelrah here and I've come into an amazing mount from the Trading Card Game, the "Reins of the Spectral Tiger" It's is a blue quality (no difference from the epic quality) mount that I have up in the auction house currently, on most markets it has been selling at 400-450k MAX so I'm trying to sell it at a price of 350k gold, if you are interested send me an in-game mail to Baelrah OR If I'm online shoot me a tell. ~FYI~ I'm going to be selling the mount for exactly 1 MONTH before I learn it, so send in the offers before it gets sold or otherwise :D Farewell everyone can't wait to hear from you <3
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90 Worgen Druid
~Willing to negotiate a price if people are really into the mount <3!~
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100 Undead Death Knight
35 gold.. and uhh. A slobbery kiss?
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90 Night Elf Hunter
...I'm... completely and utterly broke, but I'll be willing to spend up to 1k on this.

Yeah... Really, REALLY broke... but I need to expand the cat army.
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90 Draenei Paladin
this sells on my server for 275k max... lol but good luck! :)
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90 Worgen Druid
Our server hasn't seen one of these mounts in AGES so based on the rarity of this item, and the server not having much luck with them in the AH, leads me to make that price :P
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90 Worgen Druid
Still selling dis mount :3
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100 Worgen Death Knight
Would you take my firstborn?

Ignore that I'm undead. We have special Death Knight powers. We can have firstborn.

It's in the lore.


I'm sure of it.

This would be an awesome RP mount for a Death Knight, since we're ground-bound in Pandaria.

I don't have the kind of cash you're asking, so I'd just have to wish you well in finding a buyer. I'd feel bad offering only 1k for it, even if it's most of what I have.

Good luck! :D
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90 Night Elf Hunter
I'm a little less broke now... but I can still only offer 1.5k at most. :/
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
<tugs the bodice of her gown just a little more>

I can make candy. Do you like candy little fella?
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90 Worgen Druid
yes... I like candy... o.O (mount price is still over 300k though <3)
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90 Worgen Druid
Mount still up for grabs :D 280k reduced price <3
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90 Worgen Druid
250k now :3 lowest I'll go!
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90 Worgen Druid
Ill give you 25k *guildie discount* =) right right.. . . . FATTIES UNITE!
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90 Orc Shaman
Duranasaur I miss you! *sniffle* I'm really really slow at leveling a warlock.

But one day.. *reaches into air pretending to grasp Duranasaur*
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