For my old friends on CC: moving on


100 Orc Warrior
This is for the few people out there who still remember ol' Grux. I've had a lot of fun over the years, especially on CC. One of the very few places in MMO's/gaming in general where I connected with the community and made a lot of true friends. Alas, it is time for me to move on as my tastes in gaming can no longer tolerate the excessive grinds and regearing each season/tier/expansion.

So I have moved on to GW2 and have found it to be a breathe of fresh air that has reinvorgated my interest in MMORPG's. It has flipped a lot of the tired concepts that I have grown bored of on their head much to my delight.If anyone is curious why I am leaving WoW and have chosen GW2:

    Gearing for both PVE and PVP is focused on cosmetics, not statistical advantages
    PVE and PVP is completely seperate to keep balance at a premium
    Removal of reliance on the holy trinity of DPS/Tank/Healer
    Unlinking leveling from PVP
    Generally, GW2 just has a new fresh take on how to handle things in MMO's that makes it feel more fun to someone who's been playing MMO's for nearly 20 years now.

If any of my old friends decide to try out GW2, you can find me on Sorrow's Furnace under the account name Vlaid.5790. You can also PM people directly on the GW2 forums if you want to get ahold of me.

Best of luck to all the friends I've made here on CC, this was probably one of the few servers or games I've ever really felt connected to the community before.
Edited by Grux on 9/18/2012 1:22 AM PDT
100 Night Elf Druid
GL! Once I have spare cash I plan on checking it out myself.
90 Undead Rogue
Enjoy and take care of yourself Grux.

It was always fun to run with you in pvp or pve. You added fun and skill to our half past twelve group.
100 Orc Warrior
Enjoy and take care of yourself Grux.

It was always fun to run with you in pvp or pve. You added fun and skill to our half past twelve group.

Thanks pang, Half Past Twelve was always a blast to be a part of. Maybe some of you guys will try out GW2 sometime! Just don't have the time or drive for the endless grinds anymore.
100 Orc Warrior
My announced departure may have been a tad premature.

Damn crack dealing Blizzard.
100 Orc Warrior
My announced departure may have been a tad premature.

Damn crack dealing Blizzard.

100 Orc Warrior
If there's anyone still left around on CC that remembers me, expect to see me bumming around PVPing again.

Sadly, this thread has turned into a monument to my inability to leave WoW for good lol.
100 Night Elf Priest
There's a group on SF that runs guild challenges for special currency every Saturday and Sunday at noon.

If you're interested, let me know and I'll dig out the guild name. The guild basically exists to further this aim, there's no obligation to participate otherwise.
44 Blood Elf Monk
Don't worry, there are a lot of us that have taken breaks...It's good to do now and then.
My last one was for a couple months as well...

Welcome home!
100 Orc Warrior
My announced departure may have been a tad premature.

Damn crack dealing Blizzard.

If there's anyone still left around on CC that remembers me, expect to see me bumming around PVPing again.

Sadly, this thread has turned into a monument to my inability to leave WoW for good lol.
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