Warden's Annual Beach Party Extravaganza!!

96 Tauren Hunter
Flyers appear in all Horde and Neutral towns.

It's that time of year again! The Wardens are hosting their Annual Beach Party Extravaganza!

Grab your swimsuits and come one, come all* to Tanaris this October 14th for an evening full of fun, sun, drinks and food!

Beach attire required or you will get tossed in the water! Fishing is highly encouraged, and if you are lucky you might even catch a shark!

There will be dancing, swimming, fireworks and an all out good time for all!

And special this year, we would like to welcome all our Pandaren friends to come out and meet your fellow members of the Horde!

* As with all Warden event, ALL are welcome. Just keep political views away and only come with the intention of having fun and relaxing. No battles will be tolerated.


(( OOC: That's right folks! Sunday October 14th, fishing night upgrades to a full out beach party! Party will start around 7pm server, though most likely we will be around before that, and ends when the last person leaves or passes out!

Alliance is invited, but you will need to bring your own drinks and food. And this is a celebratory event so no fighting or flagging! This of course does not include fist fights and other brawls, as those are brawls and not battle.

We set the party out in October to give everyone plenty of time to play with MoP, and hope to see plenty of pandas there too!

The party will be held at the end of Wavestrider Beach, in the area just before the tunnel that leads to the Lost Riggers Cove. Right here:


See you all there! ))
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100 Human Warrior
way to close to the second page.
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96 Tauren Hunter
Do you have your swimsuits ready yet?
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96 Tauren Hunter
This is next week, is anyone else excited?!
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100 Human Paladin
I'm always excited about this. The last time I went, I got a whisper from someone telling me the horde thought I had way too many clothes on, which made me laugh. I had just barely returned to the game after an absence and was wearing armor when someone summoned me.

This is always a fun event hosted by a great guild. I hope everyone can make it.
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96 Tauren Hunter
"Dernes... don't you think this is going overboard..?"

In front of them was a massive pile of fireworks, organized by color and size and, surprisingly enough, nowhere near any open flames.

"Nonsense! We're going to have a proper fireworks show!"
"And you are going to shoot them all off by yourself?"
"I... well no. I couldn't." The tauren thought about it a moment, rubbing his chin before grinning like a big kid in a candy store, "We'll figure something out! Come on, how hard can it be to launch that many fireworks? It's going to look great!"
"It's still too much."
"Probably. But if we're going to light up the skies, might as well go all out!"
"I am not cleaning up the beach after the party."
The tauren chuckled and admitted rather sheepishly, "I keep hoping cleaning up will magically happen. But hey, at least we know everyone will have fun!"

(( That's right folks we have fireworks! And because we have a good chunk of fireworks, we will be picking a time when all of these will be fired up so most of everyone gets a chance to see them!

Obviously, I'm still thinking about when the best time will be, but I'm shooting towards 8pm ST?

And this is Sunday!! And as Gentyl pointed out, you will be pestered if you show up in full armor. See you all there!))
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96 Tauren Hunter
Thank you to everyone that made it out! I hope everyone had as much fun as we did :) And an especially big thanks to the Alliance that stopped by!

I tried to take some pictures, but I get distracted easily. People got thrown in the water (as always), silly fighting happened, honor and love were defended by means of epic pet battles, no animals got (seriously) hurt, and everyone got to be catapulted through magical gates for no other reason than it was fun... So really, the usual!


See you all again in two weeks as we thrown a hallow's eve masquerade!
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Oh nooo! I missed the beach party!

*whacks self* shame on me!
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