Hallow's End Masquerade Ball!

96 Tauren Hunter
Flyers appear throughout all Horde and Neutral towns.

Hear ye, Hear ye!

Times change, but traditions remain.
Across the lands, Ghouls and Ghosts roam the land.
Echoes of the Horseman rings into the night.
Tis upon us, the season of Fright.

This is Hallow's End!

The Wardens are proud to invite you all to celebrate this Hallow's End with a Masquerade!
On night of the 28th, as the bells strike seven, find us behind Tyr's Hand with your best costume.
Drinks and food will be provided for all, so come celebrate with us and maybe win a prize!


OOC: The Wardens are once more hosting their Hallow's End Masquerade party, in the wonderfully creepy and empty town behind Tyr's hand. Food, drinks and of course a costume contest will be had, with judges and prizes to be determined shortly. So come on out for a scary fun time!

When: October 28th starting 7pm ST, instead of fishing.
Where: Behind Tyr's hand in the old abandoned town
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((Hey. Why are we hosting behind my hand now, hmm?))

((Okay, bad jokes aside, this look like it'll be awesome.))
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((Ooh. Just Horde I assume?))
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96 Tauren Hunter
(( Alliance has always been welcome to a Warden party! I'm not sure yet though if Alliance can enter the costume contest. And of course bring your own drinks & food! ))
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96 Tauren Hunter
Hallow's End is barely a few weeks away... Have you started thinking of a costume yet?
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100 Human Paladin
((Dernes, thanks for keeping this tradition alive. I hope everyone will attend.))
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96 Tauren Hunter
Latest news in the world of costume creation:

Attempts to create the perfect "Raoul Costume" have failed. Replicating the exact size and perfect amount of "fleshy-ness" is proving complicated...

Only two weeks until the party. Plenty of time to come up with a brand new awesome costume!

Are you ready?
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96 Tauren Hunter
This weekend! My time flies. I hope everyone's been thinking about a costume!
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11 Blood Elf Paladin
Where's the town? How do you get to it?
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96 Tauren Hunter
The town is behind Tyr's Hand, in the Eastern Plaguelands (also known as DK starter area). And we will make sure plenty of transports are available for the younger ones who wish to attend!
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96 Tauren Hunter
The ball is tomorrow! I hope everyone has a costume ready! And don't worry if you're a bit late on the draw, we just finished ours yesterday...

And remember, it's all fun and games! There will be cash prizes for the best costumes!

See you all there!
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96 Tauren Hunter
A huge thank you to everyone who came out last night, it was great fun!! We tried to take pics of all the awesome costumes, and eventually I'll post them somewhere.

Our winners last night:

First place: Ryeal the Tooth Fairy Insurance and Taenia, the amazing orc warrior Krinda!
Second place: The highwaymen robbers, Bhayne and Jaceron!
Third place: Azurick the Incubus!

Honorable mention goes out to Enar the Purple Pimpin' Pyromancer Gnome, Firereader the Grimtotem Warlord, Kiesha (and Valaas!) the Paladin (and Blood Knight)! And to our lone Alliance visitor, a huge thank you to Dersha the adorable bunny!

And these are just the ones that entered the contest! We had amazing costumes from a man dressed as a bat, warlocks, witches and rangers to nat pagle himself!

Thanks again everyone! This concludes the Warden's celebrations for the year, so see you all again next year!
Edited by Dernes on 10/29/2012 9:56 AM PDT
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