Hello! I‘m here to tell you about <Risky Business>.
<Risky Business> is a 10 man raiding guild. Our goal is to build a tight-knit raiding community and we are starting fresh. This means that you won’t see many members at this time. We are only recruiting raiders at the moment. And when we find a good raider, that’s when we add members to our guild. If you’re looking for a level 25 guild with 300 members and maybe only 8-10 who actually raid, then this isn’t the guild for you. But, if you’re seeking a guild who commits to a raiding schedule and whose community is built around raiding, then you might want to consider <Risky Business>. Here are the specifics:
Raiding Schedule for MOP
Weds/Fri 5:30 to 8:30 SVT
What we are recruiting
1 healer (prefer shammy or druid)
1 tank (prefer non-dk)
2 ranged dps
1 melee dps
What we are seeking
Raiders who are:
On time
Flasked, gemmed, enchanted properly
Have appropriate gear (you know what I mean--no pvp gear)
Have a good attitude towards raiding
Works well with others
What we provide
A regular raiding schedule
A drama-free guild and raiding environment
Fair loot rules
Vent (so you must have vent too)
And fun!
If you would like to inquire more about <Risky Business>, please send an in-game letter to Vesma or Traxxis or pst us if we’re on.
<Risky Business> is a 10 man raiding guild. Our goal is to build a tight-knit raiding community and we are starting fresh. This means that you won’t see many members at this time. We are only recruiting raiders at the moment. And when we find a good raider, that’s when we add members to our guild. If you’re looking for a level 25 guild with 300 members and maybe only 8-10 who actually raid, then this isn’t the guild for you. But, if you’re seeking a guild who commits to a raiding schedule and whose community is built around raiding, then you might want to consider <Risky Business>. Here are the specifics:
Raiding Schedule for MOP
Weds/Fri 5:30 to 8:30 SVT
What we are recruiting
1 healer (prefer shammy or druid)
1 tank (prefer non-dk)
2 ranged dps
1 melee dps
What we are seeking
Raiders who are:
On time
Flasked, gemmed, enchanted properly
Have appropriate gear (you know what I mean--no pvp gear)
Have a good attitude towards raiding
Works well with others
What we provide
A regular raiding schedule
A drama-free guild and raiding environment
Fair loot rules
Vent (so you must have vent too)
And fun!
If you would like to inquire more about <Risky Business>, please send an in-game letter to Vesma or Traxxis or pst us if we’re on.
Edited by Vesma on 10/3/2012 9:03 PM PDT