[H-RP] Homeland is Recruiting!

90 Blood Elf Warlock
(( With the launch of Mists of Pandaria, Homeland's looking to bump up our ranks of players again!
Be you new to RP, or an RP veteran, We'd love to have you among us. ))

(( Homeland's a heavy RP guild, that's trying to get back on their feet after the Cataclysm hit us hard. We're level 25, and have backstory, as well as respectful members. If you're interested, send me a tell. ))

(( In the recent days, Andae's been going around sticking posters on random lampposts and other quiet places. ))

Poster tacked on a lamppost:
Have Garrosh's actions been getting on your nerves lately? Do you just need a home to stay in for the War?

We can do that for you.

Take this with you and approach me if you're interested in our offer.

<Attached to the poster is a sketch of Andaendis.>

(( IF you stood still long enough, you probably had a poster tacked to you ))
Edited by Andaendis on 10/12/2012 11:40 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
This thread needs moar attention... ))
Edited by Andaendis on 10/10/2012 4:41 PM PDT
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12 Blood Elf Monk
*Vale is shaken out of her meditation by an Elf with posters jabbing one onto her shoulder.* "HEY! Do I look like a post to you?" *She mutters something about already moving in and trying to meditate in peace.*
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
"Maybe, why are you asking post?" <HE seems kind of delirous from wandering and sticking posters on things.>
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90 Blood Elf Mage
*Ella yawns as she pops in and out of shops, hanging a bag of shopping off an elf following her. As she walks past the pool before the Valley of Wisdom, she stops at the two elves arguing about posters. She gives Vale a curt nod and sort of hooks an arm in Andae's*

"Come on honey, stop harassing the relatives, and we'll find a nice wall for that one to hang on. It looks terrible on her anyway."

((Geez I need to learn to Orgrimmar))
Edited by Elanarà on 10/10/2012 5:06 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Warlock
"Fiiiine..." <Andae wanders off with Ella in arm, smiling at her, and sticking the posters on various things that are nearby.>
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90 Blood Elf Mage
((This needs a bump until I think of a decent reply. Who wants a poster??))
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100 Orc Shaman
*peers thoughtfully at one of the many posters, then pulls her shield off her back and sticks the poster on it*
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11 Blood Elf Paladin
"Um... hi!

Me and a few others need a home, but we are all babies looking for mostly RP and achievments not to big on the other stuff besides standard questing.

We are all horde!!" :)

/feeling shy

"Anyways, I mean if we could how would we go about following the posters directions?"

/grabs poster off building and runs to show friends
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