(H) Monk looking for guild.

*stands up in front of all the people*

My name is Storin, and I like to punch things.

It started probably about 10 years ago when I was a young(er) cub. My brother was being a pest and, well, I punched him.

It was fun really. After that I started punching other things. Trees, walls, my brother some more....the standard stuff really. After a while the monks up at the temple started to notice the.....errr, damage that was being caused. I guess they figured if I was going to go around punching things, I probably should do it right and not break too many of my knuckles.

Anyway, after getting through my training I wandered out to see the world. I took up with the Horde as they seem to be more receptive to my need to punch things just for fun. I am looking for a group of people that can help me find new things to punch, learn new techniques for punching, and explore new places that I have not punched yet. I promise I wont punch my friends....too often anyway.

((basically, new to this server. I have been in WoW since beta and been a proud member of the Horde the whole time. I started on Silver Hand, moved to The Scryers, and now have found myself over here. I have a semi-random work schedule but am typically around at least some every day. If you have any questions either post here or message me in game.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
((Punch person, you are nuts. I like it.))

((Shame Gambit has no Horde branch. Shame on me.))
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90 Pandaren Warrior
In the crowd, a small hand-held sign pops up with an arbitrary number on it, attached to a metal clad hand, in turn attached to a metal clad individual. Murmurs cast through the crowd like a shocked breeze, heads turning and bodies shuffling.

"I see your punch, Honored Pandaren..." begins a voice as equally encased in armor as the body from which it comes.

"And I raise you one family. Come. Join my Coterie. We will give you -many- grand things to punch."
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100 Tauren Warrior
That's my kinda Pandaman. Someone give him a home.
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100 Human Paladin
First, welcome to CC. We have some excellent rpers horde side as well as some wonderful guilds. The sticky at the top of the forums has a good list of guild to check out.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Punchy Monk in WC

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90 Pandaren Warrior
-I- thought of it before.

I'm thinking of it right now even.
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90 Blood Elf Mage
*Ella coughs in Leo's direction while standing on a conjured block of ice to get a better look at the Pandaren in the crowd.* "Promise more punching. Or friend punching, I'm sure we'll find someone to volunteer. This one would be useful and fun....."
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*bows to all the people* Thank you for your kind reply's. I do wish to hear more of this Coterie you speak of. They sound like a group that could use punching....er someone to help them punch things.

((sorry I have not gotten back to you any sooner. work has been keeping me busy. I will respond to your message in game tomorrow when I finally got a day off Leothindas and thanks))
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100 Human Paladin
Coterie is a great guild. It would be hard to go wrong with them. Leo is a long time rper and great guy and I hear nothing but good stuff about the guild.
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25 Pandaren Monk
<Malanorei>, "The Travelers", has certainly filled my need to punch things, my Houjin friend. Though my official job within Master Brijinn's trading company is as her cook, there always seems to be someone wanting the goods from her caravans, or the raw resources flowing into the company's crafters' workshop. Thieves and brigands make for good punching!

Even if my Master's company is not for you, you should come by the public house in Bilgewater Harbor. First 18 rounds are on me!
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Storin, the Coterie will pamper you with training dummies, face-punching at will, a drinking buddy or two of your choice, ample dumplings, ticklefests, and free gems.

What more could you ask for?
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*laughs* Thank you all for your help. I am actually going to be talking to Leothindas sometime tomorrow.

I wish you all good luck and will be thinking of you (especally you alliance folk) when I am next punching things.
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Yay! I like being thought of!
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