[A] <Contingency> is recruiting for 10man

85 Night Elf Hunter
Contingency is a guild formed of like-minded individuals with the goal of progressnig through heroic raid content. We value a fun and relaxed atmosphere free of drama, but also recognize when it is time to buckle down to tackle obstacles.

We are recruiting for our 10 man raid. We are looking for competent players that are motivated to improve performance, can learn fight mechanics quickly, and can adapt to dynamic situations while maintaining a high level of play. Individuals must be open to criticism and be willing and able to supply criticism to others, both in a mature fashion.

Raid times will be Tu-Th-M, 5-8 ST

Currently, we are looking for a second tank and 3-4 dps to fill out our ranks. If you feel that you would be a good fit for our guild, and vice versa, please apply at http://contingency.guildlaunch.com/.
Edited by Woodchucker on 10/4/2012 10:38 AM PDT
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100 Orc Warrior
You're not even 90 yet.
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90 Draenei Shaman
Thanks for pointing that out. Unfortunately it seems it's too late to do anything about changing the character.
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90 Human Death Knight
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90 Draenei Shaman
Do you like to hurt things? Are you highly skilled at avoiding areas that have been magically set ablaze? Do you like to hurt things while avoiding areas that have been magically set ablaze? Are you looking for a raid filled with others that share your interest? Then look no more, we have a need for one such as you (finger point).

Recruiting DPS for our 10man raid. Extra points for melee.

Apply at http://contingency.guildlaunch.com/
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90 Draenei Shaman
Looking for a DPS to join us for 10man raiding. Mage or Warrior preferred.

If interested, apply at http://contingency.guildlaunch.com/
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