[RP?] Farmer's Market

Given the relative popularity of Halfhill and Harvest Moo-- ahem, Warcraft's Tiller's reputation, I was wondering if anyone would be up for something akin to an RP market, but with actually some of our hard-earned farming and gathering wares. This might be something for down the road in the expansion when we're all not struggling to finish up cooking.

I was thinking of setting up shop somewhere on the outskirts of the actual town, in one of the unoccupied farmer's houses, far away from hurty-owie mobs so people who aren't high level could come if they so choose. It'd be a great way to meet other farmers and perhaps get some mats that you need, whether it be fish, fowl, red meat or veggies. Have too many turnips? Trade them with another farmer for some reef octopus! Haggle!

Anyways, would anyone else be interested in something like this or is this already been done already?
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100 Worgen Death Knight
I'm still in the process of leveling, but I always make sure, even if I'm otherwise not going to be able to really play on a given day, to log in and harvest my little plot of four crop nodes. I think something like this would honestly be neat, particularly since my bags are overflowing with cooking mats, leaving less than a 24-slot bag of available space for stuff I pick up while questing.

I'm still figuring out what I should be keeping my hands on and what I can afford to get rid of (I think at this point my cooking gathering might have outstripped my leveling; somehow Fishing and Cooking became fun again...), but once I get a good handle on that, I'd be all over something like this.
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96 Tauren Hunter
Long long long ago the Copper Cauldron tried to set up a farmer's market out on the old darkmoon fairgrounds. Didn't really take off, though a lot of people were for the idea. The timing just was not right at all. The original idea involved simply traders setting up tables and haggling over all the leathers/herbs/food/ores they had. I believe another market was discussed in the empty areas of Booty Bay but again, never really took off.

But I've never given up on the idea of a regular weekly/monthly farmer's market. I would love for this to become real!
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It'd be a nice monthly thing, I think, so people don't feel perturbed about trading once a week. Perhaps maybe in a month to start. I really like the idea and it gives people time to level up a bit more and whatnot.

I myself have been farming like a fiend so I have more than enough food to spare.
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90 Undead Mage
It is a cool concept, yar! I'd love to participate, though obviously such interactions will be a tad limited due to faction limitations. No reason Horde and Alliance can't show up, though
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100 Gnome Mage
Could always try to get the AAMS involved for translation, but yeah I'd love to do something like this, would be interesting and a nice way to get some items you need to get those last few levels in cooking.
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100 Draenei Shaman
I like this idea alot, just let me know if you need any help with the idea. Otherwise let me know when and where and i'll be there to the best of my abilities.
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100 Goblin Shaman
It would have to be somewhere lowbie-friendly as you said, as we have a lack of end-game level characters in the AAMS. But other than that, sounds fun!
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100 Night Elf Priest
It is a great idea! I would love to participate. I have 5 characters farming now.
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Thankfully there's not a lot of mobs around the town proper and the ones that are, are mostly in the air. If there's a huge problem with AAMS getting picked off by rogue hawks, then I can bring my Horde via Battlenet phasing, perhaps!
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I'm happy to come either as a farmer with goods to trade, or as security so low level characters can feel safe trading. If we can get some warlocks employed, people could even be summoned in
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What is a good day for stuff? Saturday?
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100 Worgen Death Knight
I'd personally prefer Sundays, though Saturdays would be fine for me if it were earlier in the day.

That's just me, though. I typically have RL stuff going on Saturdays.
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90 Undead Mage
I think Sundays have less events going on, though for Saturday it'd also depend when ie date/time.
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Okay, then let's tentatively make it on a Sunday, in the afternoon perhaps (since my guild raids Sunday evenings.)
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96 Tauren Hunter
Depending when you have it on Sunday, and since it's once a month, we could just move fishing night out there too?
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100 Human Paladin
I think this is a great idea. I hope everyone will support it.
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Farmer's Market will be third Sunday of every month, 12-2 PM server time, hopefully that's not terrible for East Coasters. Is that equitable for everyone?
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