Calling All Warlocks! (Or anyone purple)

90 Troll Druid
I decided a while back that a certain Warlock, Dalebert we shall call him, was The Most Interesting Warlock in the World. But it occurred to me last night that I never gave the rest of Cenarion Circle's portal-summoners and chronic Life-tappers even a fighting chance. So here it is, the Great Warlock Interview of 2012: CC Edition. Defend yourselves!

Why are YOU The Most Interesting Warlock in the World?

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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Because I will kill any warlock claiming they are more interesting than me. Process of elimination.
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90 Orc Warlock
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93 Blood Elf Hunter
Dalebert is a girl?!
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90 Night Elf Hunter
Well... my warlock is a Wimplock... does that count?

...Also, I AM wearing purple... >.>
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100 Human Warlock
I distributed evil candy to the gnomes of Stormwind with the intent to get them addicted and enslave them, only to turn them into a ravaging horde. Also sent a deathknight minion into Mulgore to poison the wells and lake, devastating the wildlife, as well as young, sick, and elderly tauren (as they were entrapped behind their great gate).
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