WTS Spectral Tiger Cub

90 Pandaren Monk
Hello everyone.

I'm looking to make some quick cash and wanted to see what people are willing to spend to fetch this wonderful Spectral Tiger Cub. At this moment, I am fielding serious offers. Just for benchmark pricing, I have been seeing this pet selling for an average of 300-350k. As I said before, I know this is out of people's price range, but I would like something in that ballpark. Again, all serious offers are considered.

Let the bidding war begin.
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100 Human Rogue
I think you might be looking at mount selling prices O.o seriously doubt you will top 100k at MOST for a pet.
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90 Pandaren Monk
Actually, it wasn't the mount that I was seeing. I know it's a hefty sum, which is why I'm not just setting a firm price of 300k.

As I stated in the initial post, all serious offers are considered. I'm not trying to fleece anyone here.
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90 Orc Shaman
That seems extremely high for a pet.

Not only that the spectral tiger mount last I checked was still more rare then the pet.

Looked it up on the WoW TGC website and the card sells for around $180

The Spectral tiger mount for TGC is around $550.

That being said you do get both mounts for it.

The swift spectral tiger can sell on the upwards for 250k-400k.
While the regular spectral tiger sells for around 250k-350k.
(Please note these are market equilibrium prices.)

For easy a more easy number we'll pretend you can buy both mounts at 500k gold total.

So lets do some math.

$180 x 500k gold / $550 = X
(Using a proportion here.)

$180/$550 * x/500k gold

x would equal 163k gold

If I recall right, the Spectral Tiger Cub can go up on the BMAH too.
Plus - mounts tend to be worth more then pets.

300k is WAAAAY too much.
Edited by Shockacus on 11/8/2012 3:36 PM PST
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90 Pandaren Monk
Yes, your logic is sound, Shockacus. However, that doesn't change the fact that the pet has been listed and sold for that much on multiple occasions. As I have said already, I'm not asking that price. I am only asking for what people would be willing to offer. I don't expect to see a 300k offer.
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90 Troll Druid
I'll give you 5g.
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90 Tauren Warrior
would u pls add me Destray#1714
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