<H> RP --Society of Shadows--

89 Blood Elf Rogue
Society of Shadows is a level 4 medium to heavy rp guild.

Our story is that we are an elite underground criminal syndicate, but pose as a legit company trading in foreign and exotic goods.

We accept any level, any race, except tauren (too nice), and any class except paladins, druids, and Light aligned priests (shadow priests are okay).

For more information or to join the guild, simply visit http://soscc.shivtr.com/
Edited by Kallyenna on 11/1/2012 8:29 PM PDT
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89 Blood Elf Rogue
((IC Recruitment variation 1))

*A young woman stands just outside the Silvermoon City Inn at Murder Row, she's holding a small stack of pamphlets, and is handing them out to any who will take them.*

"Hello," she says with a smile, approaching you, "Would you please take a pamphlet? It doesn't matter if you can't read, these are enchanted to read it for you."

((If you take the pamphlet please read on, if not, go ahead and leave this thread now heh))

*You take the pamphlet, and open it, it begins talking to you and projects an image above the paper to coincide with what is said.*

"The Society is pleased to announce that we are now recruiting new members for our expeditions into the unknown, we accept any level of experience, so long as you are willing to take on dangerous, and possibly deadly missions! We are a company trading in exotic foreign goods, and would like you, yes you, to take part in our expedition!

We excel in excavating ancient artifacts, we thrive in deadly environments, and we expect you to too, if you should join us.

For more information, please seek out Kallyenna Illisandra, the lady who gave you this pamphlet. Thank you for your time!"
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90 Orc Death Knight
This guild is for cool people!
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