(A-Event) Remembering Theramore

100 Night Elf Rogue
The following notice was initially found in Darnassus, but has since proliferated to other cities within the Alliance:

Upon a field of white, the golden anchor once beamed proudly from atop Theramore's ramparts - a beacon for our Alliances in the south, even if they had always been more passive than we would have liked. Theramore once stood as a testament to the humans' contribution to Hyjal, and their continuing commitment to the welfare of Kalimdor. Now all that remains of it, and its people, is a smoldering crater in the marsh.

We in the north know the sting of loss too well. We do not forget it, and nor do we forget the memories of those lost to such acts of terror. Those lost in Theramore deserve the same consideration, at the very least, for the sacrifices they've borne, for their service to Kalimdor, and for those who remain, still bearing the emblem of the golden anchor. May it find a home in our harbor.

A memorial service shall be held for those lost at Theramore on the seventh hour after mid-day on the seventh day of the full moon in Rut'theran village.

((The Chimaera will be hosting its first open event, November 4th at 7pm in Rut'theran Village, Remembering Theramore, a memorial to those lost in the attack.))
Edited by Kyalin on 10/29/2012 8:41 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((Just a reminder: This is tonight!

.... and an hour later from my perspective. Curse you and your Daylight Savings Time...))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((thirty minutes))
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100 Night Elf Rogue
((Just wanted to send a big thank you to everyone who attended! I guess we'll have to see where this new storyline is going. Expect a few events at least tangentially related to it within the next couple of weeks.))
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