[H] <Onslaught of Disorder> LF 2 DPS 10m norm

90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Realm: Cenarion Circle
Guild leader: Sedonya
Raid Leader: Hármony battletag: Harm#1269

Raid times: Tuesday and Thursday 6 to ~ 9 pm PST (server) depending on progression

Needs: 1 Ranged, 1 Melee - Core raiders (either with strong OS heals) (no more DKS/Druids/Monks)

Alternate raiders are always welcome. If you can guarantee attendance to at least 2 raids per month, but can't always make everyone but still want to raid, you can be added to the alternate list. Alternates are expected to be as geared as possible, and know the mechanics of encounters.

Onslaught of Disorder is a casual, laid back, and fun, level 25 guild on Cenarion Circle Horde side. We are a family friendly, but adult oriented guild, most members are 20+ years old. We raid 10 man casualcore, and have fun. We understand real life > game, but certain expectations are laid out in the rules for the raid group. Progression is important, but fun is also a key factor, therefore you are expected to know your class (gemming/reforging/enchants), and research boss fights and strategies before hand so we can have the fun of killing bosses. Joining the guild and a 4-8 week probationary period is mandatory to join our raid team. We use a DKP system that rewards attendance, participation, and support of the raid team. Those that contribute and show up, earn the DKP to win the loot they deserve. The aim is to work our way into hardmodes.

If you have any questions, or would like to interview for the core or alternate positions, please contact Hármony in game at the battletag information above.

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90 Pandaren Warrior
Isn't it ironic? Tanks and healers lined up in abundance, but dps nowhere to be found.
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97 Orc Warrior
If you guys really need it, I can join you guys for raids, You've raided with me before!

Cheers: Symmasris, Gologer, Æthelgyth, Rhyas, etc.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Still looking for 1 ranged DPS with OS heals, and possibly 1 full time healer.
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90 Blood Elf Death Knight
Bump. Still looking for 1 ranged and 1 melee, and 1 heals
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