
90 Tauren Shaman
*Pokes his head in*
Anyone else looking to get a 3's team going?
Seems like rated pvp is pretty nonexistant here (Yes, it's an RP realm, but there's several other RP realms with higher pvp participation, ie. Moon Guard)

RBG's isn't an issue as they can be done cross realm (although with a low CR + MMR, good luck finding a semi-decent team *sigh*)

Wanting to get some rating but the people I arena with quit due to RL reasons, so figured I'd shout here to get some responses before I drag my shaman to another realm.
Edited by Thunderhowl on 11/13/2012 1:06 PM PST
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100 Night Elf Priest
Thunder, I will arena with you! Oh wait, Nevermind!!!
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100 Orc Warrior
What spec are you playing again?
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90 Tauren Shaman
11/14/2012 06:55 AMPosted by Elvenmoon
Thunder, I will arena with you! Oh wait, Nevermind!!!

I'd have taken you on that offer about 2 years ago when I was still Alliance xD

What spec are you playing again?

Enhance and Resto, moreso Enhance.
Edited by Thunderhowl on 11/14/2012 5:56 PM PST
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