Da Doctas Clinic is moving!

100 Blood Elf Hunter
Passing through Orgrimmar on her way back to her unit, Sidonwy pauses to tack a neatly penned notice to the board, knowing that others have likewise gone up in other outposts and cities.


Due to the shift onto a war footing in Orgrimmar, Da Doctas Clinic is relocating as of Tuesday, the 20th. As a nonessential, noncombat function, Clinic will now be held on the Spirit Rise of Thunder Bluff. Emergency and critical cases can be transported by zeppelin, portal, or wind-rider as well as by surface routes. Treatment is available in many specialties for all of the peoples of the Horde, as well as mounts, companion beasts and small pets. Clinic hours begin at the 7th hour after noon, every Tuesday. Further hours or special consultations can be arranged on a case-by-case basis, via the hearthstone network. Visiting healers, student healers, and other visitors are welcome.
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100 Orc Shaman
((Bumping this as a reminder. Clinic starts in 5 minutes on Thunder Bluff's Spirit Rise!))
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100 Blood Elf Priest
-points at the crossroads- You know, you could go there. I know, new and revoloutionary idea right? =)
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85 Tauren Druid
*reads the missive, tugging thoughtfully on his braided beard*

Uh oh.
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100 Undead Warrior
Had a great time at the clinic lassst night, yesss!
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96 Tauren Hunter
(( A few more weeks and I can start showing up at Clinics again! School will be out! ))
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100 Undead Priest
Just remindin' y'all we're in Thunder Bluff these days.
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100 Undead Warrior
we mussst have that Pith helmet, yesss!
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