All Anon Merchandise Swap (A Mass of Thanks)

100 Gnome Priest
Flyers are posted at various bulletin boards across the cities...

It's that time of the year again! Your favorite courier service is bringing back the All Anonymous Merchandise Swap!

What is this fabulous sounding program, you ask? It's quite simple! It's a gift giving program. All you have to do is sign up on this flyer or at your local AAMS office. We will take all the names, and randomly assign you a name to send a gift to. But there's more! You will also get to receive a gift someone on the list! It's all anonymous. Your gift recipient will not know who you are, and you will not know who sent you your gift!

If you would like to participate, please sign up between now and the first day of Winter's Veil. You may sign up by adding your name to the sign-up sheet attached to this flyer, or by contacting an AAMS courier. Gift-giving assignments will be sent out within the first few days of Winter's Veil, and you will have two weeks to turn in your gifts. All gifts should be delivered by the AAMS by the end of the holiday.

This program is open to both Horde and Alliance. May both factions share in the spirit of gift-giving and holiday cheer!

The AAMS will provide gift free wrapping where applicable. Please do not send gift-wrapped items. Gifts may be subject to inspection before delivery.

Thank you, as always, for using the AAMS, and may you have a merry holiday!
Edited by Derscha on 12/21/2012 7:26 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest

It's time for the AAMS Secret Santa! Here is the official timeline.

Signs Up- Between now and Winter's Veil (Dec. 15th)
Assigments- Sent by Dec. 17th
Turn in Gifts - Between 17th and Dec. 29th
All Gifts due to be delivered by Jan. 2

Just sign up here on this thread, or contact the AAMS in game, to participate. You'll be randomly paired with another participant. That does mean Alliance people may be sending gifts to the Horde and vice versa!

There is a recommended limit of 50g on the gifts, so try to pick something creative!

We hope to see a lot of participants again this year... the more the merrier!))
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl leaned down and read the lower row of bills, flyers and posters on the message board. The lower row was where most gnomes posted and therefore, to Gentyl, the most interesting. "Hmmm, a gift exchange. That might be fun."

"Hey, Sparkles! Move your tin-plated butt out of the way so I can read, too." The demand was followed by a rather loud rap on her greaves.

"The fel?" Gentyl looked down at a smaller than usual gnome in a winters veil suit. "So rude. Where's your holiday cheer?"

"Probably in my robe some jerk stole and left this stupid suit on my clothes line. Now, get out of my way so I can see if anyone replied to my lost robe post."

Gentyl moved back out of the way. She would probably be in a foul mood also if someone stole her clothes and left only a winter veil suit behind. As would the Commander who made some rude remark about her looking like a two copper trollop last year when she wore one to the snowball fight. She hoped there would be another one this year. "Focus, Gentyl," she reminded herself then spoke into her hearthstone, "Pie people, the AAMS is hosting a gift exchange that sounds like fun. Let's get involved."

"Will there be fish?" Broodin asked hopefully.

"I imagine. Who wouldn't want a big batch of fish for Winters Veil?"
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100 Gnome Warlock
Sizzle carried her plate back up to the counter after finishing her dinner at the Salty Sailor. "I'll just leave this here for you Nixx," she said, sliding the plate across. She turned around to head back over to her perch when she noticed a new flyer on the board.

Peering through her pink tinted goggles, she began to ponder what sort of a gift she could come up with. "I wonder if others appreciate X-treme Super Efficient Frag Bombs like I do...or perhaps a battle Bot?" Sizzle thought to herself, "Perhaps I need my thinking goggles on..." Sizzle took off her pink tinted goggles and replaced them with her Ultra Cerebration Goggles (not to be confused with her Ultra Celebration Goggles).

"Hmmm..." Sizzle thinks, "Better sign my name here while I ponder this merchandise swap."
Edited by Sïzzle on 12/1/2012 9:21 AM PST
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70 Gnome Priest
*Signs her name*
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90 Gnome Death Knight
Frowning, Spriggel digs thru the drawers of her own desk in the AAMS Ironforge Office until she finds the paint brush she knew was in there somewhere.

She'd been hearing around the office cooler (a keg of Pandarian beer which was getting low, which would lead to angry staffers if she didn't remember to pick up some more - soon) that the main office in Booty Bay was getting tons of people signed up for the All Anonymous Merchandise Swap whereas her own list (well, the Ironforge AAMS office list, but who's gonna squabble over details like that) had only staff names on it so far.

Well, she wasn't office manager for nothing. So off she marched to the Ironforge Bulletin Board to paint in large green letters (because she'd found a good deal on green paint) that the Ironforge office was accepting signups TOO.

((bump in typical bit-too-much Spriggel style; note, her desk is always in the appropriate state of disarray - unlike Derscha's, which needs periodic cycloning. And do feel free to contact Spriggel IC if you see her in-game.))
Edited by Spriggel on 12/5/2012 5:41 PM PST
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100 Goblin Shaman
Kezrin trudged her way back to the offices to fill out some delivery paperwork - not changing into her uniform, just to be stubborn - and looked around for the Merchandise Swap participants list.

"Right then. Not many people yet, huh? Guess no one's feeling very giving this year. At least I got one more name ta add to the list. Don' wanna know what he'd think a good surprise gift would be."

The goblin neatly wrote the name "Raoul Zharikov" on the paper.

((Still time to sign up! So post here or send us a message in-game!))
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100 Undead Priest
"Sign me up, y'all. I love a'gettin' presents, an' I reckon me an' Boxxy'd be pretty dang awesome at pickin' one out."
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82 Blood Elf Hunter
Siori stepped quickly through the small town. Having gotten the supplies she came for, she now was searching for signs of the bulletin she'd seen a few days ago in a different town, hoping one was here also. Halting as she came to the board that it must be on, for it had all manner of other messages and advertisements, her eyes scanned the papers for the one she wanted. Finding it, she quickly scrawled her name in full, worried that the informal conversation she'd had with Kezrin the night before might have not been enough information for the swap.

Siori Duskrunner

"There, just to make sure," she mumbled a bit to herself as she finished off the last letter.
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100 Gnome Priest
After spending the requisite hour straightening her desk, Derscha paused to look over the current All Anonymous Merchandise Swap sign-ups.

"Still time for some more people to submit their names," she noted. "Couriers! Get out there and get me some more names!"

((In no particular order, here's the current list of participants!

Meyrit (Requests no dresses or anything frilly)

Edited by Derscha on 12/15/2012 9:17 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
((Last day for sign-ups!))
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Sign me up, please!
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85 Human Paladin
*places his mark on the form* ((sign me up))
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I am still learning to be a medical tech...but I am always open to making new friends...ummm do we get to choose who our gifts go to or sign them from or something? Just curious...
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100 Gnome Priest
((The person you buy a gift for is randomly chosen. You can include anything you'd like in the gift, including notes and cards if you want them to know who their "Secret Santa" is. It is up to your imagination, we'll do our best to deliver on it!

Of course, if you want to send a gift to a specific person, you can always contract the AAMS to send that, too!

There is still time to sign up! I will be sending out Secret Santa assignments tomorrow evening or Sunday.))
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100 Gnome Priest
((Some assigments have already been sent out! If you have not received yours, please be patient- I'll get to you shortly.

Jorym, I have removed your name from the list as you are not a CC character and I hadn't noticed earlier. Unfortunately, we can only deliver things to people on our server!))
Edited by Derscha on 12/15/2012 9:21 AM PST
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100 Gnome Priest
((All assigments have been sent! If you have not received yours, give me or another AAMS courier a poke and we can tell you whom you were supposed to get.

Please send us your gifts as soon as possible, and no later than December 29th so we have time to deliver them all! ))
Edited by Derscha on 12/15/2012 5:42 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I just wanted to say I so enjoyed this little exchange. And to my "Secret Santa", thank you so much!
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100 Undead Priest
Knowles peered intently at the letter, and his face broke out in an even-wider grin.

"Oh, this'uns gonna be fun! Boxxy, go grab my shovel!"
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100 Human Paladin
Gentyl sat quietly in the top of a tree and watched horde. Knowles seemed unusually happy. She shivered a bit in spite of the warm weather.
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