What I'm Thankful For

100 Human Paladin
I'm writing a Thanksgiving blog and I thought I would toss this out there. What are you thankful for?

Finally, I got the blog finished on the right day anyway.

Edited by Gentyl on 11/22/2012 8:48 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Druid
How has there been no activity here thus far? >_>

Well let's see... I am thankful for the individuals out there, on our server and other servers, on the internet inside and outside of WoW, who chose not to abuse internet anonymity. It is all too easy to forget that we're all real people behind the tubes and that we should endeavor to do the best by one another. The lack of repercussions for acting poorly is reason enough for people to mistreat one another, but there are those that not only will not give in to such but also impart the strength to others to be decent human beings even over the internet. I am thankful to know people like that.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Edited by Lerrielin on 11/22/2012 12:48 PM PST
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90 Orc Shaman
Friends, Family, and people who are understanding.

Love my group of friends I play with. Great people, who forgive others.
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89 Human Paladin
I'm thankful for all of the people I RP with and all my in-game friends.
I'm thankful for all of my out-of-game friends.
I'm thankful for my health.
I'm thankful to have a job (even if it means I have to spend of Thanksgiving Day asleep so I can open the store at midnight *grumbles*)
I'm thankful for all of the turkey ate before I went to sleep today!
I'm thankful for my family (who are willing to have "Thanksgiving Dinner" early just so that I can be there!)
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100 Undead Warrior
Maggotsss, yesss!
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33 Orc Warrior

Fires to feed, streets to clean,
A bossorc who’s not to mean,
Coworkers who cheer me
Taunt and assist me
For all this I give thanks.

New friends who don’t mind
That their fishing’s better than mine
But provide beer, fun, and share
Stories to remove all our cares.
For all this I give thanks.

For goblins, ah . . . ‘round whom I am too shy
They open my eyes to wide open skies
And places far beyond my own.
I hope, that with us, here they’ve found a true home.
For all this and more I give thanks.

((I am thankful for all my supportive friends and co-RPers here on CC that encourage me to grow my stories, thru both words and participation. May all your stories flourish, CCers.))
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100 Human Paladin
Lerrielin, that is so very true. I hope you and yours had a great Thanksgiving.
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100 Human Paladin
Shockacus, understanding friends and family is such a tremendous gift and too often overlooked.
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100 Human Paladin
Cray, I'm so sorry you had to work, but yay you had to work when so many others can't. You know Pia and CC appreciate you so much. Your leadership, help and rp are very much recognized.

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100 Human Paladin
Ummm, yes, we must be thankful Abominus has all the maggots. Very thankful.
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100 Human Paladin
Dorgot, I love your character. He's so much fun it makes me want to play horde more so I can be around him.

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90 Night Elf Druid
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