We are a level 25 horde guild founded in June of 2008. This is a mature group and we would prefer 18+ but age does not always bring maturity, so there can be exceptions. We are a fun loving guild and often like to joke around. That being said some of the content in guild chat or mumble might not be suitable for children. We like to group and talk with a person before invite to make sure they are a fit for the guild. All levels are welcome.
Sadly we have lost many to real life. (Someone really needs to talk to RL and let it know to leave us alone. We are playing here!) So we need people to restructure our raid group. Looking for a healer and dps that can raid Tue/Wed 6pm server time for our 10 man raid. Would love a druid since we will be loosing ours soon due to work, or a shaman healer. Hunter or warlock for dps but others feel free to talk to us as well. Please contact Tylindre or any officer with questions in game. Our new website is at www.miofcc.com there is a guild app there as well. We look forward to hearing from you. Keep in mind that this is a casual raiding guild. We do understand that real life comes first. No one will be yelled at during raid. However, we do expect you to show if you sign up and have your gear gemmed and enchanted.
Some of the guild events we have are: Mount Monday, we hit Maly, Ony, OS 3 25/10 man and do achievements for the mounts. Firelands for the staff and the achievements. PvP we set aside time for people to group up and do BG's while in mumble All are welcome to join these events provided there is room. We also try to have contests on the website or in game that can win people prizes.
Sadly we have lost many to real life. (Someone really needs to talk to RL and let it know to leave us alone. We are playing here!) So we need people to restructure our raid group. Looking for a healer and dps that can raid Tue/Wed 6pm server time for our 10 man raid. Would love a druid since we will be loosing ours soon due to work, or a shaman healer. Hunter or warlock for dps but others feel free to talk to us as well. Please contact Tylindre or any officer with questions in game. Our new website is at www.miofcc.com there is a guild app there as well. We look forward to hearing from you. Keep in mind that this is a casual raiding guild. We do understand that real life comes first. No one will be yelled at during raid. However, we do expect you to show if you sign up and have your gear gemmed and enchanted.
Some of the guild events we have are: Mount Monday, we hit Maly, Ony, OS 3 25/10 man and do achievements for the mounts. Firelands for the staff and the achievements. PvP we set aside time for people to group up and do BG's while in mumble All are welcome to join these events provided there is room. We also try to have contests on the website or in game that can win people prizes.