Howdy folks. I'm new here.

40 Human Priest
I've just returned to the game about a week or so ago after a long break. I wanted to get back into RP and rolled this priest on my old realm, Moon Guard. However, the community was just way too intimidating for someone so out of practice.

I decided to give a smaller realm a go and have heard nothing but good things about you guys. Over the last few days, you might have noticed my little level 1 alt afking in your cities and creepily lurking in your ooc channel.

I really like what I've seen so far so I'm giving Cenarion Circle a try. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. :)
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100 Human Warrior
Welcome to the server. Hope you enjoy it and stick around. :)
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100 Human Paladin
Hello, Winterbell. Welcome to CC. You've found the chat channel which is a big step.

Everyone here is very welcoming, so don't be afraid to speak up and say you are new. Pia will most likely have a knighting ceremony and trail by arms afterwards on Sunday if you'd like to attend. We only administer vows to members, but we always welcome visitors to celebrate with us.

Monday night is the clinic in Ironforge at 5. It's announced quite a bit in channel and it's a good way to meet other people and dip your toe in rp. Just show up with an owie, a pet with an owie or just to watch and visit.

There are lots of other things going on, but it may be a bit slow this week due to holidays.

The main thing is to just let people know you're new and they will jump to help...or steal pants or something.
Edited by Gentyl on 11/21/2012 11:00 PM PST
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40 Human Priest
Thanks for the welcome. I probably won't be too active during the holidays myself so it's not a big problem. I'll try to make some of the events. I'm checking out horde side to so I'm not quite settled yet, but hope to be so soon.
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100 Human Paladin
Welcome Winterbell! We're always glad to have new players here! there's usually some event going on and some walk up RP to be found, usually around the Cathedral and/or the Blue Recluse.

There is a sermon on the Light on Wednesdays at 5, but if you haven't already hop in AllianceOOC, say hello!
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100 Human Paladin
horde has some amazing rpers and guilds. join hordeooc of course and hearthstone for ic chatting. tuesday is da doctas clinic. they have a thread here about it. they also have a tavern night.

feathers of Irons ally side has a tavern on tuesday at booty bay featuring cup the battle chef.

lots of stuff to do and people to meet. you have to meet abominus horde side, that's kind of mandatory. I think he's cc's ambassador, which probably says something about cc.

--excuse typos and lack of caps. my arm is locked down again.
Edited by Gentyl on 11/22/2012 9:18 AM PST
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89 Human Paladin
Hi! Welcome Winterbell!

The main thing that we should warn you about is that if you stay on the Alliance-side..... Ragefang WILL steal your pants. We've tried everything to prevent him from doing this, and he's circumvented everything.

Apologies in advance.
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90 Gnome Death Knight
Spriggel peeks her head into Winterbell's office to cheerfully welcome her home and to see if her desk needs tidying.
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