Scouting EST/CST RP servers for a guild!

81 Troll Hunter
As the title states - I'm scouting the EST/CST for an RP guild that plays mid-mornings/early afternoons. I am currently on WRA with my husband, but it is next to impossible to find any guilds active during our play times because most players on that realm are PST. Stuff doesn't even begin to happen until rather late at night. Since we are on a 2nd shift schedule, we miss everything :/ and this is very frustrating, since it makes it extremely hard to join in RP or make friends on the server.

We have 2 mid-level Horde characters (66ish Orc and Forsaken) that we would really like to find an RP guild for and are willing to realm-jump should we find a guild that suits our needs.

What we are looking for is an active, friendly and mature (not ERP-based! just mature as in low drama and good sense of humor!) RP guild. Preferably not of a military or race-restrictive angle. Our characters are laid-back mercenary types who fall neither into the all-out-evil, nor good-guys. They are pretty gray morally. My Forsaken has a very odd sense of humor, but it's not as grim as many other Forsaken. My husband's orc is...well, an orc. A bit of a temper but loyal and determined. Neither of us play our characters as "special snowflakes". They are pretty ordinary in their skills and talents.

We are not hardcore in our play style, due to a semi-busy RL schedule. We are expecting our first child in Feb. so committing to a strict in-game schedule or raid calendar just isn't something we can do. However, we are low drama, love both IC and OOC humor and are experienced RPers that have been playing WoW since release.

If anyone can suggest some guilds or RP connections on this server that we can check out before making the jump, it would be much appreciated :) we really want to find the right server this time. We went to WRA from a different server on a whim and it just hasn't worked out.
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90 Night Elf Druid
Well, CC is a PST server, so I'm not sure that we're going to fit your time-scheduling needs. That being said, since CC is an older server, it actually has a diverse crowd of people in different time-zones. RP on CC tends to be more made up of event-based RP, or within guilds; not as much random RP as people would like (there are a couple of hotspots of random RP in some of the taverns).
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81 Troll Hunter
Hm really? It's listed as an EST server on the website I checked. Bummer.
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100 Human Paladin
It is a pst server, but most guilds have members from all time zones including an Aussie. We just try to make our events as early as we can, but frankly even with that my est people can't make things like raids all the time.

However, there is quite a bit of rp here. We have some people who are actively working on building more walk up rp, plus we have a lot of events.

I wish I could say CC is perfect for you, but it probably isn't. You could roll some alts and check it out. join hordeooc or allianceooc and introduce yourselves.

I wish you much luck in your search. I know it must be frustrating.
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