ES[H] Looking for mage or hunter for HM's!

90 Orc Death Knight
ES is looking for a new member of our raid. We've currently fully cleared Normal modes, and have Stone Guard heroic done as well. This is a full position, no benching!

We raid Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from 7-10 PST. You don't have to leave your guild if you don't want to, but are welcome to join either way.

Please whisper Nerdos, Bianchi or Stylo or in-game mail for questions or if you're interested.
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90 Gnome Mage
hey nerdos if you are still interested in having me in your raid group I can transfer today at some point. Just let me know or whisper me on Real ID when you log on
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100 Gnome Rogue
I got a 478 Mage if you guys happen to still be looking?
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