Box Social

100 Human Paladin
I had planned on having a box social in December to round out the year, but it frankly is getting close to Christmas and there are so many things going on, I think it's best to wait until January.

The next box social will be the men making the picnics, so guys be thinking about it. I think we will also be raffling off a nice prize like a chopper. Still working this out.

Also, please remember the funds raised from these events all go to supporting rp so it is a good cause.

Edited by Gentyl on 12/10/2012 1:39 PM PST
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90 Night Elf Druid
the feed the Broodin foundation?

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72 Gnome Warlock
*faint screech*
"Let me out of this box!"

*box opens, looks out, sees Broodin*
"Close the Box! Close the Box!"
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100 Gnome Warlock
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100 Human Warlock
*stares at both boxes on the table*

Now, which one of these was the crate filled with unspeakable horrors, which will curse whoever opens it with unmentionable and terrifying afflictions, and which one has the banquet meal, filled with heavenly and scrumptious delights that could drive the first person to gaze upon it insane from the pleasure of its perfection?

Maybe I should just bring both of them?
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90 Human Paladin
I hope that whoever gets to picnic with me likes burnt meat with burnt potatoes. This pretty much sums my cooking skills.
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100 Human Paladin
Ha, Grim. Yes, yes. Back in the box!

Temp, that could actually lead to some interesting rp.

Oh, Kael. Perhaps you should get some help.
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22 Human Paladin
It doesn't need to be anything fancy or such, does it? I have some rudimentary cooking skills at best. Any lady getting my picnic basket best not have a "delicate" palate, if you know what I mean.

Otherwise, I would be interested in socializing with some of you folk.
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