Sunwalker Lore

100 Tauren Paladin
Hail from Moon Guard,

I'm googling, exploring the interwebz, and asking for help regarding a compilation of Blizzard lore and fanon I've written about my observations, but I want to expand this outside my server and see what other communities have interpreted this or added to it. For Moon Guard at least, Sunwalker RPers are extremely rare, and the majority are basically "tauren paladins".

Here's the link:

I have a disclaimer that, due to the lack of depth from Blizzard (and their apparent laziness or disregard for the whole thing), a lot of this is fanon that is somehow supported by established lore in some small way, tempered by the opinions of others. With luck, I plan to release a longer revised version in the future.

What I'm asking for is additional information that you might think would be helpful, opinions on the information available, neat ideas for rituals and ceremonies, etc.

Hoping to improve your online experience,
Sunwalker Molo'ak
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You may want to visit our fine realm, and find the guildmaster of <Ishnu Por Al>. They have been around for years, and from who I have spoken with, are a guild that ascribes to Tauren beliefs.

I, personally, have taken to the moon myths, and sometimes babble happily about how cool the Blue Child is.
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100 Human Paladin
This is something I've struggled to explain at our weekly sermons for the exact reason that there isn't enough information out there, not at the extent of say the Naaru or Elune the Light (Human based). So while I can't offer you more specific information, I'd say thanks for this effort from one Lore loving rper to another.
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85 Tauren Druid
It's Ishnu Por AH. And, yeah, we do have our own ideas about Sunwalker lore based on the very few details given to us by Blizzard. You can always look me up and pick my brain. Or I'll toss in a few things here when I have the time. But now I must go to work and feed hungry, happy peoples!
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90 Draenei Hunter
I imagine with this wole army of the light thing that the lore behind the sunwalkers will expand a bit further later in the current expansion and more so in the next. Only speculation mind you but the crossing of Anduin and Dezco's paths and Valeans visions tells me there is some naruu ties to the sunwalkers. Speculation of course but seems its being set up that way.
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