CSI Azeroth

Hello CC, this is an alt of Jaszmin. I have a rp idea a couple of my friends and I wanted to bring to the game. We have a thread in World's End Tavern forums called Silent Scream. It was such a fun rp we decided to try it in game.

Basically we want to be a detective team and play out some rp solving murders, and generally having some fun in an rp much like the TV shows CSI. My personal favorite is NCIS.

Would there be some who are interested in giving us some cases to solve and maybe some villians to chase? I am sure we can work some things out.
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Are you planning on doing this Horde side or Alliance? I'd be interested in doing this in some fashion. Would give my villain skills a work out!
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It will be Alliance side, I am hoping to work with the Stormwind City Watch. Although a private investigator team has also been suggested.

Here is the thread we started out with and a lot of comments have been made by the few of us on last pages.


I was thinking of the Taipan as a guild idea on Horde side as well, but not sure if there is enough interest for it. Any helpful comments or ideas are welcomed!
Edited by Sylviagray on 12/13/2012 2:55 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
I've actually been planning on creating a character on Alliance anyway, and this would give me good opportunity to do so. I really like the idea behind it and would love to discuss further, just at work at the moment. :(
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Which part are you interested in? The CSI or the assassin group? I kind of thought it would be fun to do a non guild group with an in game private channel. I called it the Taipan, which is the name of a species of snake, highly venomous, from Austrailia.

Its an idea I been thinking about for awhile now. A group of non faction related assassins getting contracts for both sides and being very secretive. I kind of thought it up based very loosely on the Dark Brotherhood of Oblivion fame.

Here is a link to the story so far, Amarlei is another of my alts.

Edited by Sylviagray on 12/13/2012 4:43 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
I'd be interested in both really. Fairly new to Warcraft RP and would like to get my feet a bit more wet than the events are allowing.
Would the CSI thing be an extension of the forum plot you have going, or a different plot?
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It will be similar to the forum plot, but I would need to get someone to either make or maintain a guild Horde side for the Master. I suppose it could be an Alli guild, but I have it in the thread as a neutral guild and have been using my BE warlock to post in it.

It would be considerably different in game, as game mechanics do not always equal what you can do on the forums.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I could try to get a Horde guild set up if you would want me too. Taipan as the name?
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Actually Cyaer, I have a bank guild Horde side with my DK Cynilinestia, we can use that. I want to keep it small and unobstrusive. I will change the name however. I will see what I can come up with. You are all welcome to apply to it. Certain people I know who are excellent rpers will get officer priviledges.

That said, I need to know if you want in on the Taipan Horde side and a character bio. Anyone who wants in can post here with a bio and a good time to contact you in game. Please note your time zone or give me a time in realm equivalent so I can plan to meet with you.

To those of you who are interested in rp and are new at it, I ask you to please look at this guide and study it. I am willing to help you learn, but you must be willing to adhere to the standards of good rp as they are noted in the guide.


Anyone is welcome to join the Taipan if you want to be an assassin, I suggest a rogue for class, though I will accept druid and hunter for their stealth abilities. I am going to make you be in charater for this so remember that entry into the Taipan is not going to be easy. Since I want to make it a cross faction rp, if you want to be in on it Alli side I can arrange for a rogue Alli side to contact you. And yes there are ways.
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21 Worgen Rogue
Ulfrec here!

Registered serial murderer!

Would be more than happy to provide multiple crime scenes, even excessively! I have no qualms about killing Alliance or Horde. My only motive is to kill everyone who has ever touched a gold, silver or copper coin.

(I'm an alt of Cray's so just shoot him a message in game if this sounds like a baddie you want to play with!)
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Sorry, was out for the weekend, christmas partay! D:

Anyways, I think I would prefer to stick to alliance side of things as my horde characters are starting to be more involved in other things. I would love to try my hand at playing a baddie though, so please let me know. If you would like me to join in on this, just post here, I check it pretty often while at work and at home! :)
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Hey Ulfrec!! Glad to see you are still around! We may call on you to help us at some point in time. I believe I had you kill off my Worgen warlock at one time.

We finally decided to do a private investigator firm, and made a guild to get things started. Malakae is the GM. We could use a few more good rpers to help out the guild and join in.

@Kelithira, make an Alliance character and send me an in game mail with a good time to get in touch and I will get back to you. We could use a few more dps, as I am healer and Malakae is a great tank. We have a couple other characters who are in the guild, Mcdonald and Rheinne. But they do not always have time to play.

If you are interested in helping by being a baddie we can chase down just do the same, send me in game mail and your idea so we can meet and work out details.
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85 Blood Elf Death Knight
Great, I'll probably do so later today or tomorrow as I'll be busy with Clinic tonight :)
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No problem, I am usually up late at night, I am on Pacific time. You can do a baddie or a member of the team, its up to you. We will be asking for an IC interview so we can determine what will fit best.
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