For a more Graceful 2013

94 Human Monk
The master of the Graceful way
The flower of unimaginable beauty
The prettiest lad on the land

Wishes everbody in CC a happy new year and wants - no, DEMANDS that you Cenarion-heads to have more fun and less drama.
Yes you, the negative Norbert typing some ill-remark about this thread or my hair.
Yeah you.
I'm watching you.

Happy 2013!
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100 Night Elf Rogue
Pff. We don't have all that much drama here compared with other places.

Then again... busy season is coming...

"What do you mean they need another copy!? Don't they have the XML we gave em like seven times!?"
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100 Human Paladin
I thought it was the Glamorous Way? Either Way I hope everyone has a wonderful and prosperous year ahead of them!
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100 Human Paladin
This is a new year, full of hope and promise. Rather than make resolutions, though feel free to if you wish, perhaps we can all adopt a way of thinking.

A friend was talking to me a few days ago. 2012 had been a horrible year for her and her family, but she was always upbeat. I knew what was going on. She wasn't being a Pollyanna and pretending nothing was wrong. She just chose to focus on the things that were going right instead of what is going wrong.

Instead of fretting because you have to pay bills, be thankful for the money to pay the bills you can and expect it to be replenished.

If someone is draining your happiness, it is not your job to continue to let them do it so people will think you are a good person. Either help them find the happiness or turn away from this source of unhappiness.

That's my philosophy for this year.
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90 Pandaren Warrior
Easy there, Zhang He.
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100 Human Paladin
My experience is that it being January 1 doesn't make a lick of difference. Time will flow, and things will pretty much trend as they were trending on December 31. All you can do is look forward, and do what you can with what you've got, whether it's January 1, March 15, or November 27.

Like if life gives you blasting powder, send the Horde a nice present--one that doesn't tick, though, because they're on to that now.
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90 Tauren Monk
01/01/2013 07:08 PMPosted by Galeas
Like if life gives you blasting powder, send the Horde a nice present--one that doesn't tick, though, because they're on to that now.

We are.
We're watching.
Always watching...
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100 Human Paladin
We are.
We're watching.
Always watching...

Well, I'm checking my bathroom for Horde rogues now. Thanks a mil.
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This year I vow to go FULL MISANDRY instead of just 75 percent like last year. I'm looking at you, Trade Chat.
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