[A] LF 2s Partner

90 Worgen Mage
Hey all,

Recently xferred over to this realm from Stormrage to raid with the good folks at Warcraftier, which has left me at a minor disadvantage as I don't know anyone on CC. I'd like to start capping conquest each week, maybe try for a challenger title or something as I'm on a smaller server now and it would be easier to do.

Anyways I don't have pvp gear(zomg squish) as of yet, I've pretty much focused on nothing but raiding but I would be interested in getting back into PvP now that I have a stable raiding situation. If anyone is of similar circumstances and able to do halfway decent in arena I would be interested in partnering up with someone.

Anyways if any interest feel free to contact me here or in-game. <3
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90 Orc Shaman
Challenger isn't too high on this server. :D

It is only 1600-2000...

Welcome to the server.
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100 Orc Warrior
2000 is at least rival, probably duelist this season.

And there has never been a season where 2k was not enough to get challenger.
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90 Worgen Mage
Hey folks, thank you for the welcome. :D

Yea not even sure if I'd be able to reach 2k but seeing as how my last two servers were Tichondrius and Stormrage I thought I might have a better shot at a challenger title--always wanted a pvp title, secretly I envy you arena players regardless if I do decent on the opposite spectrum of this game-PVE. haha

Either or I don't see much pvp activity in trade, figured this would be my best bet. I'm mediocre at best but know how to cc/silence and am able to target the same opponent you're trying to kill for focus fire purposes. Anything beyond that may be out of my league. lol
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