Looking for a new realm, need help

90 Orc Death Knight
So as the title states, I'm looking for a new realm as my current server is a bit too hectic for me on the WPvP side of things. I'm looking for a more relaxed server and from what I've gathered so far, some people are saying this server is one of the better sides.

I'm on Horde side ofcourse so if you have any experience on the Horde side for Cenarion Circle, please do read :) My questions are... How is progression on Horde side? Is there pugs for current raids and Sha/Galleon? (When they spawn) I'm more of a casual raider and seek a laidback guild that is active with discussion in guild chat, are there guilds on this realm dedicated to that?

How is trade chat during peak hours? Is it active? Also I'm a pretty new roleplayer and want to know how the roleplay is on this server.

Thanks for your time :)
Edited by Nateus on 12/19/2012 2:58 AM PST
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90 Night Elf Hunter
As I don't raid, I can't tell you much about pugs or progression on either faction. =

As to the RP............. you see, we here at CC take utter pride in being the craziest, nuttiest, all-round-weirdest-while-still-canonical-and-semi-lore-abiding-and-best-in-personal-opinion RPers around, and while RP's slightly sparser H-side, I'm sure you'll have an easy time finding someone too teach you. My suggestion is joining the Hordeooc channel (or allianceooc, if you end up testing the waters here) and poking people for a little guidance.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
Cenarion Circle is CRZd with other RP realms including Moon Guard and Wyrmrest accord. The RP of those realms may affect your enjoyment of our server just as our realm may affect your enjoyment of those.

Not gonna lie; we rank a dismal 194th for progression among US servers on wowprogress. The same site shows us at around 2000 population with a 2:1 alliance:horde ratio, but horde progress is generally better than alliance in spite of that. PUG raiding of current tier content happens scarcely at all.

Trade chat is only moderately awful compared to other realms, though that is a subjective evaluation from someone who doesn't cross realms or hang out in trade chat often.
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100 Blood Elf Death Knight
As for galleon, those alliance noobs usually get him! :(
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90 Night Elf Druid
CC is not the place to be if you want bleeding edge progression (or anywhere near it). It is, however, considered a med-high pop server and the community is very laid back. We've got our bad apples, but overall the player base tends to be more mature (but I think this is true of all RP-PvE realms in general). It sounds like all of this fits in with what you want, though. Alliance does outnumber the Horde, and perhaps it's because of this that the last Horde 25-man raid team died a while ago with small likelihood of another one forming, but if you want casual raiding that shouldn't matter and it should be easy enough to find a 10-man team. At least on Alliance side, new ones start up every week, although usually in Trade channel and I don't know about the relative success rates.
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90 Human Paladin
Both sides tend to form Sha raids "whenever". Not sure about Galleon, though.
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I don't know how we do it, but I once participated in downing Galleon 3 weeks in a row (as Alliance), and then I kinda went pretty inactive.

It would be nice to see more Horde RP going. I know that there is some, and I have friends who are putting a lot of energy into getting things more active. My experience, though, is that a lot of them over there like to take it easy. Maybe Horde just attract the kind of people who are busy all the time. I don't know.

New blood over there would probably do things a lick of good. Heck, if you come, I might even work on my Horde.
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