((This is Cross realm so do contact me if you wish to get involved.))

*The following poster can be found not only in Darnassus, but in the Exodar, Ironforge, and Stormwind as well.*

I and others have received reports regarding a person known only as "Aud" or "A.Y.D." making threats and sending parcels filled with incoherent and disturbing diaries. She is described as being a worgen who often adopts the guise of a pale-skinned, black haired human woman. She is also reportedly feltouched, and considered to be dangerous.

Most egregiously, a human skull was discovered in one of the parcels, strongly suggesting that murder is among her crimes. We therefore ask you, a citizen of whichever Alliance nation you may be, to be vigilant, and report any sightings of individuals matching this description, as well as any of their acquaintances or accomplices to your local authorities.

-Warden Kyalin Raintree.