The Cornered Sqirrels Guild Recruitement.

90 Draenei Shaman
The Cornered Sqirrels (yes we misspelled it on purpose) is a level 13 social guild of outgoing friends with a taste for raiding and a love for meeting new people. We where a decently sized guild (100+ members) that raided Burning Crusade to Ice Crown Citadel before we had internal issue and went dormant. We are attempting to reestablish our former glory days and get back into daily activities including but not limited to: questing, raiding, assisting low level members, RP adventures and any other ways we can conceive of having fun. The guild is a community and a home. This was a guild full of friends who enjoy the game, enjoy playing with others, and do not take it to seriously. We are not elitist about what we do, if that is the play style you are sporting then this is not the guild for you.

We accept all levels interested in having fun and will help as equally as helped. Right now we are accepting all classes, and builds.

If you would like to apply please send an in game mail to our guild leader Sakunoshin, and also you may contact, Kirsantia, Barathaeon, Valdisulla, and Earthscars
Edited by Sakunoshin on 1/18/2013 11:43 AM PST
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90 Draenei Shaman
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