Looking for a family friendly raiding guild

94 Human Mage
My current main (Mallord) has hit iLvl 473 and I am looking for a casual-esq raiding guild for me and my girlfriend. I prefer a family friendly guild not because I have any children, but because I prefer not having the f bomb blasting through vent every 5 minutes.

My main is a frost mage(dps) but I am also leveling a pally tank (87) and a healer. My girlfriend mostly does DPS but is also leveling a Mistweaver healer.

I prefer to surround myself with people who view this game as a game and understands that sometimes people have lives outside it. (And jobs)
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63 Gnome Death Knight
The Other Side guild is both family friendly and friendly! Here is the webpage:


I would talk to Makaile, Stanya, or Dxxdyy!

- Anjou
Edited by Cogglefiz on 1/18/2013 12:35 PM PST
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